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15th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Third Person's POV:

The Special Action Force of the police has been waiting out in front of the church for any signal from the superior to do any action to neutralize the hostage taker and the people he still has in custody...then, a ringtone from a certain cellphone is heard. A policeman gets the phone and reads it.

"The Hostage taker is in the sacristy. Police should surround the back of the church ASAP."

"Guys! Guys! He's in the back! He's in the back!" The policeman who has the message shouts. "Get the troops at the back of the church! He's in the sacristy!"

With the approval of the superior, the SAF troops quickly, but slowly moves towards the said destination...waiting for the right time to strike.

Catherine's POV:

Calmly, we followed Anthony's lead as we go inside the sacristy, where the hostage taker is holding a gun, pointing at Imee...

"Okay, Mister. I have my friends now." Anthony reports to the stranger. "Now, would I please take Imee from you?"

"Well, yes. Certainly."

Carefully, Anthony steps in between the hostage taker and Imee...and slowly pushes Imee's wheelchair towards us.

"Imee! You're safe!" Evangeline approached her. "Did something happened to you? Did that guys did something bad to you?"

"Don't worry, Evangeline. The stranger doesn't do anything that harmed me." Imee smiles to assure her. "Let us just do whatever the stranger should say so that we could be saved and this situation will be over soon."

"Umm...Imee, we have devised a plan so we could get ourselves out of here..."

Then, I whispered to her the plan that Anthony was planning earlier...but Imee seems unconvinced.

"Umm...Catherine. I think that plan would not work." Imee comments on the plan her boyfriend has made. "God doesn't want to end this crisis with violence. He wants to end this in peace. Look...this stranger is misunderstood. He wants freedom. He wants the freedom to choose peace and violence. He really want to do this...he was just forced by his father to do so. So please..."

"But...Imee, there's no other choice." Kyle refutes and whispers to Imee. "He has a gun, he is still unpredictable. If we don't end this crisis right now...we don't know what will happen to you!"

Imee then takes a deep these times of crisis, there's nothing she could do to avert any bloodshed.

"Okay, now this is what you're gonna do..."

"Oh! Wait, mister." And just as the hostage taker is about to bring out his own plan, when Anthony makes a suggestion. "How about me, Joshua and Kyle get closer to you so we can able to listen to your plan more clearly."

"Well...yes, you should." In which the hostage taker agrees. "I'm very glad that you three are supportive to my cause."

The boys then positioned themselves beside the hostage taker...but the hostage taker doesn't know that they will about to execute their strategy to end this crisis once and for all.

"Okay, here's the plan. I know somebody of you has some connections with the police." The hostage taker reveals his proposal to us. "Mr. Gonzales, tell your cop buddies that I will tell them about the whereabouts of my father and his terrorist group. I just need a runaway vehi-uuugh!!!"

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