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Monday of the 3rd Week of Easter

Christian Anthony's POV:

Everybody's sleeping in the van...

Imee, Catherine was fast asleep after we exchange some thoughts about the situation of the town that will about to visit today. It took until almost midnight before I was able convinced the two that they should come and help solve the town's problem.

And as we arrived, I saw something that the girls need to see...

"Umm...Catherine, Imee, wake up..."

"Huh? Wha-what is it?" Catherine is the first one to woke up.

"Umm...look outside."

Catherine and I glanced out of the window and saw the pitiful scene at the road side. People lining up the streets...their bodies are very thin that we could see the bones marking their skins...they're weak to stand up and beg some food...and just waiting to be starved to death...

"Thi-this is awful..." Catherine couldn't believe with her eyes. "We need to help them right now."

When Imee hears this, she felt sadness. She feels sorry about the people who are suffering...perhaps she thinks that they shouldn't be suffering like this...they didn't do anything wrong...

We arrived at the large mansion, where Evangeline and Joshua is waiting for us by the entrance.

"Guys! You're here!" Evangeline hugged each one of us. "We are eager to see you all. Oh! By the way, did you able to know my cousin, Joshua Aguirre? He will guide you through the town."

"Wait! I know this guy! That's my boyfriend!" Catherine acclaimed.

"Wha-whaaat?!?!" Evangeline's startled by what she said then turns to her cousin. "Joshua! Why don't you tell me?!"


Everybody then laughed at the commotion that it is happening right now...but then, it is abruptly interrupted...


Loud shrieks of people were heard from we saw others run from the opposite direction...

"I'm going there!" Imee bravely tells us.

"Wait! We're coming with you!" Catherine and I quickly replied.

"We too!" Joshua added. "We will bringing our security troops with us."

Imee Therese's POV:

I knew it...I knew this will gonna happen today...

I clearly hearing baton sticks of the police, hitting people very hard. The sheer cries of the suffering...they didn't deserve this...they're not doing anything wrong to you...they're just fighting what is right for them! You're doing a grave sin to God! I won't let you all make them suffer any longer!

"Anthony! Pull my wheelchair between them and never let go of me!" I strongly directed him.

"'re go-gonna hurt!" Anthony stutters as he objects. "I won't let you hurt just like with the devil!"

"Please...don't worry about it." I smiled at him. "Just believe in God...He wanted me to intervene with them."

"...sigh...alright." Though disappointed, Anthony agrees with me. "But I will protect you, okay?"

I simply nodded at him...

Catherine's POV:

Amidst of the confusion and chaos between the protestors and the police hitting each other, I saw Imee and Anthony moving between the main police line...and the place where protestors once stood, now turned into a battlefield...

Anthony then stands in front of Imee, as he begins endure beatings...from the batons of the the scratches and slaps from the protestors...all means to protect Imee...though I don't know why in the world they will stood in the middle of the battleground.

And that when it turns into a riot. Protestors overran the policemen and starts turning and burning things...from police cars, random trees, and even their own placards in a fit of rage.

Then I saw a protester with a huge body, walking towards the main police line...where Imee and Anthony also stood...making mocking gestures towards the resilient troops...

"You've been warned, mayor! Once you didn't hear the pleas of your people, the people will turn against you!" The protester proclaims. "Then, we will start killing your friends, your relatives, and your family until you give in to our demands! Nothing will stop us from doing this! Nothing can stop u-woaaah!!!"

In the fit of rage, the protester accidentally flips over Imee's wheelchair, toppling Imee to the ground...knocking her unconscious.

"IMEE!!!" Anthony, Joshua and I quickly rushes towards her to check if she's alright.

"'m so sorry." The protester startles and recognizes the lady he just toppled. "I-I didn't meant to hurt her..."

Fearing for retaliation, the protester retreats from the main police line while...

"Imee! Imee! Please wake up! Please...answer me!" Anthony worriedly wakes her up. "Are you alright?! Are you hurt?!"

"...hnnng....ow! My head!" Imee wakes up and replies. "Ye-yeah...I'm fine. Don't worry, it's just a bump on my head..."

As Anthony and Joshua helps Imee to get back on her wheelchair, I noticed that the riot has already dissipated. I looked towards the battlefield...and saw everyone...both policemen and protesters who have been fighting against each other earlier...are now lining in front of us...and bowing their heads in regret.

"Huh? What are you all doing, guys?" Anthony noticed it too and asks them.

"We beg you all forgiveness for the violence that you had seen." A policeman spoke to us. "How shameful are we to hurt an innocent bystander...especially to a lady like you."

"We are willing to listen to what she will tell us. We are eager to end this strife without shedding blood any further..." The leader of the protesters added.

Within moments, just because Imee is toppled from her wheelchair, the mood of the atmosphere changed. From the violent and chaotic clash between the protestors and the police, they settled down and become they recognize Imee, to intervene and put an end to this situation.

"Thank you, guys. I'm only here to help solve with your problem." Imee speaks to the group. "God doesn't want all of us to fight against each other. You should always believe in Him for all of your nee-uuugh!!!"

Then I heard a gunshot from above...then...WHAAAA!!! Imee is shot! Imee is shot!!!

"IMEE!!! IMEE!!!" With tears in his eyes, Anthony tries to stay her alive. "Please!'t die!!!"

Though gasping for her life...Imee begins to shed tears and tries to speak...before losing consciousness...

" me..."

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