A Helping Hand

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Sacred Heart Friday

Catherine's POV:

Today, the Archdiocese is hosting a feeding program and outreach program to some of the marginalized communities near the church...and in the meeting...

"Huh? Me?"

"Yes, Imee. You are chosen to be lead the organizing committee for our outreach program." Father Jean informs her about the appointment.

"Oh! Ehehehe...can you tell me why I was chosen?" Imee giggles in astonishment and asks him.

"Well, your representative Anthony has told Archbishop Tiroda during their meeting that you're smart and you've have become a student council president twice...so along with your popularity today, perhaps that the Archbishop trusts in you."

"Hmm!!!" Imee then turns to her love Anthony and pouts at him...as if she's telling him that it was her secret that he just said to the Archbishop. But as Anthony scratches his head in embarrassment...

"...sigh...alright, I'll do it." She smiles and accepts the job. "But, I need all of their help to do all of my duties."

"Yes, of course. All of your friends will contribute to the project. Besides, there is somebody who will lend an additional helping hand."

And there, a young man entered Imee's room, somebody whose face is so familiar to me...

"Wait! Is that...."

"Yes, Catherine. He's Kyle." Imee recognized him first. "It's nice to see you, Kyle."

"Yes. So do I, Ate Imee." Kyle bows down in adoration. "I want to pay back for what you have done to me...giving me a second chance to live again...that's why I volunteered to work under Archbishop Tiroda."

"Glad to hear that." Imee smiles gratefully. "Now, tell me, how could you help us in our outreach program?"

"Well...my relatives run the orphanage near the church." Kyle explains. "Oh yeah...my aunt told me that you have donated something from the church a few days ago."

"I see. I remember that." Anthony replies with a smile.

And for the entire day, we devoted ourselves to plan the upcoming program. Kyle and I worked together in identifying the beneficiaries of the activity, Joshua and Anthony thinks of the materials that will be needed, and Imee and Evangeline works on the flow of the program.

Imee Therese's POV:

As Anthony let me stroll out of the nearby park...

"Imee, you worked really great out there." My love praised me. "I knew that you are smart! Hehehe!"

"That's because you told them about my secret as the class topnotcher and student council president! Hmph!" I pouted at him for breaking his promise. "But...you know, I'm thankful that you said that secret. I have given more purpose."

"Well, milady, even you're disabled, that doesn't mean you are useless and all." Anthony pats my head in reply. "That's why I'm here to help you."

"Hehehe! Thank you, Anthony..."

And in the middle of our strolling, we saw Kyle in the middle of the small bridge, staring at the lake in front of him. We approached him to have some talk.

"Hello, bro." Anthony called him. "What are you doing here? Why are you seemingly staring blankly?"

"Oh! Ehehehe... I'm sorry, I'm just thinking about something." Kyle chuckles and scratches his head. "But since both of you are here, I could tell you what's on my mind."

"Hmm? Is that so? Tell us about it." With confidence, I encourage him to speak up.

"Well...I'm just wondering...if all the things that I've done is enough."

"What do you mean, bro?"

"You see, Anthony, Imee visited me in one of my dreams...while I was on the verge of death." Kyle recalls his experience with me. "Through her help, God gave me a second chance to start over again. I'm doing horrible things to girls back then...I was the one who bring that contagious disease that spread around downtown and nearly killed Imee...with so grave faults that I made...I wonder if this outreach program is enough for God to forgive me..."

Anthony then approaches Kyle and taps his shoulder to cheer him up.

"There's nothing impossible for God." My love replies to him. "I remember the thing that the Lord has said to us through the Gospel...that anything that you do good with our neighbors, you're already doing the same with Him. God is not as ruthless as you think...He's kind and merciful like the greatest friend you've ever know. If you've realized that something that you did in your life is wrong and worrying that everybody will judge you, don't lose hope...God will never judge you. It doesn't matter how grave the sin you've done...as long as you are ready to turn your life around, do something good to people and never tempted to do anything bad again, then the Lord will always welcome you with open arms."

"Wow...I thought that only Imee could speak such words like that, you do, too." Kyle reacts in astonishment. "To tell you the truth, I have no friends all my life...I didn't finish highschool...people around me are calling me as a fool...I can't take those calls anymore...and that's why I started taking so many drugs...I feel I have no problems in this world...I feel I'm in heaven...I feel that the whole world is in my hands...especially when I do sex with the ladies...but I was wrong...I was horrifyingly wrong...I was once step into the grave...until all of you came along...and changed my life..."

Kyle turned to me and smiled sweetly...as it is his sign of gratitude of saving his life...and giving him another chance...

"Oh! It's a bit late now. How about you two return home and get some rest." Kyle happily ends our conversation. "Remember, we have still some important things to do. We must assure that our program is a success! Let's make Archbishop Tiroda proud of us!"

"Yes! Hehehe!"

Anthony and I decided to left Kyle alone and go home. It's already late at night and I can feel the cold air puffing on my face...

"I guess you are ready now, Anthony..."

"Hmm? Ready for what, Imee?" My love smiles at me and asks in with curiosity.

"Well...you're ready to replace me as cathecist! Hehehe!" I replied to him and giggled. "You already doing the same way as I do...helping people return to the arms of God."

"Well...yeah. But it doesn't mean that I will replace you." Anthony replies to me with a smile. "I'm just in training, you're still my master. Hehehe!"

Both of us burst into laughter as we compliment each other. Perhaps God meant us to work together...and I believe that when we work together, everything will be successful.

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