Miracle of the Sun

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Dedicated to ArcheIexand MissBabyCarrot

Easter Sunday Early Morning

Christian Anthony's POV:


It's already three in the morning and Imee's still in coma. I was left alone here because Father Jean leads a Easter Vigil Mass and leading the vigil for her outside. The people who is praying for Imee's life has been in a thousand...sigh...when will you wake up, Imee?


Then I heard a moan...but I don't know where it is coming from because of the people who are praying outside. Knowing that it will be another frustrating night, I'll just slump my head on Imee's bedside...

"Ow! Ow! Help! Help! Please put out the candle!"

Woah! I was startled when Imee begins to speak! Though panicked a bit, I complied to what she said. I removed the candle at her left hand. She is holding that candle, along with the rosary in here right hand, as we hold our vigil while she's still unconscious...

"Imee...is that you?!?!"

"Of course, Anthony! Who do you think I may be? Hehehe!" Imee giggles as she replies. "Sorry if I worried you so much."

"No worries, it doesn't matter anymore." I stood up and hug her "What matters most is that you're still alive."

"Thank you, my love." Imee smiles at me. "How about you sleep at my bedside for a bit. It seems that you had guarding me for so long."

"OK then. Is it OK that you take the shift...will you keep watch on me?"

"Oh, sure! No problem! Hehehe!"

With a smile on my face, I could finally rest. Besides, my guardian angel Imee...ehehehe...will keep watch on me.

Four hours later....


I was waken up by a beautiful humming. I looked up and saw Imee...happily singing a tune. The dextrose that connected to her since last Friday has been removed...so perhaps...Imee will be energetic as usual.

"Hmm? Are you trying to stalk me, Anthony?"

"Huh? I-I'm not! I just woke up, Imee!"

"Hehehe! My bad! Anyway, good morning, Anthony!" Imee giggles and greets me. "Come on, let's go to the Mass!"

"Why yes, milady."

I didn't have time to change her clothes so I just carry her up into the wheelchair and push out of the room and into the church to celebrate the Easter Mass. There, we've greeting with cheers and jeers...

"Imee! You're back!" Catherine is the first to notice Imee and hugs her. "Thank God, you're still here!"

"Of course I am! Hehehe!" Imee replies with a giggle. "I will still be with you as long as I can!"

And everybody followed suit...from the looks of it, Imee is now regarded as one of the popular persons here in the city, credited for a newly confirmed Eucharistic miracle here in this very church. Some kissed her hands, some takes some selfies with her, while others seek spiritual advice from her. Imee is very eager to help everyone who's in need...and I'm happy about it. From the one who is rejected...to the one who's adored by everyone.

Father Jean proceeds with the Easter Mass. The Gospel for that day is the story of the first people who discovered the empty tomb of the Lord...and the fact that He is risen again: Mary Magdalene, Peter and another apostle...only left from the tomb were the linens that wrapped his body...

"Death and grief has left us, for the Lord has rewarded us with eternal life." Father Jean speaks at the homily. "The Risen Lord has manifests the hope of eternal happiness and joy...it won't fade, it won't vanish, it won't leave. It would be there until the end of time. The Lord has resurrected from the dead because He wants to tell you that there's nothing impossible if you believed in God, even the toughest challenges...the biggest crosses crushes you down..."

"The linens that covered the body of our Lord is left in the tomb when He was risen again. For some of you, it's not a pretty big deal...but for me, there's something special with it: because of the Risen Lord, we will never be ashamed that the Lord is our God...we will never be afraid to share to Good News of salvation to the ends of the earth...we will never be afraid to suffer and die with Christ for the sake of humanity. So please, don't be afraid...see the empty tomb...and know how glorious the Lord has risen for you, for me and for everyone."

As usual, I looked at Imee for any reaction. Well, there is...instead to pray, she is smiling brightly as a child just like this morning.

"Well, Imee. Why do you smile like that?" I curiously asked her.

"Well, this is one of the my favorite days of the year."

"Hmm? Why did you say so? Is it because of the Easter eggs? The Easter bunnies?"

"Hehehe! Just wait and see..."

Imee then closes her eyes and utter this words as a prayer...

"Lord...about that reward that you will be given to me, please don't give it to me...give it to everyone that believes in you. For I am satisfied by what I have right now...and Your children deserves something that would do also..."

I didn't ask anymore...for I sensed that her prayer is almost prophetic...

The mass proceeded, with Imee actively participating by singing the church hymns. Everybody around her, including myself, is awed by her beautiful voice...as beautiful as an angel.

"The Mass has ended. Go in peace and proclaim the Resurrection of the Lord, Alleluia, alleluia."

"Thanks be to God. Alleluia, alleluia."

And when the mass has ended, people begins to leave the church as usual...bidding Father Jean and Imee farewell. Imee, Catherine, and I will suppose to make cathecism sessions with the children...when suddenly...

"Woah! Look at the sky, guys! It's sooo beautiful! Wooow!!!"

I quickly walked out of the church along with Imee and Catherine, looked at the sky...and amazed by the wonders that we're seeing right now:

The sun...it becomes a opaque disk...spinning and dancing around the sky. But as it shines towards us...the rays of the sun are like the colors of the rainbow...casting it beautifully across the plaza and into the stained glass of the church. But that's not all...I saw two flashes of light in the sky that shapes like stars...casting the same colorful specs of light unto us.

Never had seen such majestic scene from the sky...perhaps never it has been in the history of mankind...of such a miracle of the sky. In this Easter Sunday, the Risen Lord perhaps manifests His eternal love for all of us...by bringing colors to the light of the world. Then I thought about what Imee said to me about today...

"Ooh...so that's why this is one of your favorite days of the year, Imee."

And the only thing that Imee has replied to me was her sweet giggle.

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