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Dedicated to SapphireMianne and Miss_Stragic

Few hours later,

Imee Therese's POV:

Huh? Why is it still dark in here?

For a moment, I was struggling for my life...I was suffering from another cardiac arrest...I was about to die...but...why...all I can see here is...darkness...

"Hail Mary,
Full of Grace,
The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women,
and blessed is the fruit
of thy womb, Jesus."

And then, I begun to hear voices...uttering one of my favorite prayers...the prayer to what I regarded as my Eternal Mother

"Holy Mary,
Mother of God,
pray for us sinners now,
and at the hour of death.

And they kept prayer Hail Marys all over again...that's when I realized that they are praying the Holy Rosary for me. And among the voices who are praying it...I noticed that one of those voices are weeping...and that is...Anthony. He's worrying about me so much the whole I decided to open my tell him that I'm still alive...

"IMEE!!!" The voices shouted in disbelief when I opened my eyes.

"Don't worry, guys. I'm fine. Hehehe!" I speak and giggled to confirm that I'm still alive. "Thanks for praying for me. I really apprecia-woah!"

Quickly, somebody hugged was Anthony...still weeping.

"Thank're alive! I will be soon...sniff...there' much more...sniff...I want to learn from you!!

"No worries...I would still be here." I assure him with a smile. "God will never give you reason to cry that means, I will never leave you. Hehehe!"

As Anthony calms down, and with my strength restored, I let myself led the Rosary that they have started. It's a Wednesday today so we recited the Glorious Mysteries...from the resurrection of the Lord up to the coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in heaven...

After the recitation of the Rosary, the food came in. The nuns adjusted my bed to raise my upper body so I could eat properly. Anthony brings the spoonfull of the dish for well as the daily intake of medicines...well, tons of it. When I finished it all, the nuns left the room...leaving me with Anthony again.

"Umm...Anthony, could you tell what time is it now?"

"It's ten o'clock in the morning, Imee." Anthony quickly replies. "Imee...I feel so pity on you. You're suffering too much."

"Anthony, please...don't feel pity on me." I smiled to cheer him up. "Don't think about me...think about yourself. You need more guidance from God more than I am."

But my motivation seems to fail in making him smile so I decided to tell him about my mission...

"Alright...I'm gonna tell you a secret...a secret that needs to be kept very carefully." I instructed him. "Therefore, when I tell you this secret, do you promise that the two of us will only know this? And for the rest of your life, you will not tell anybody whatever happens?"

"Yes, of course. I promise, Imee."

For a split second, I recomposed myself...before finally opening it up...

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