you bring him home

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You took Luke to a park, that you frequently visited when you were younger. You sat on the swing and Luke stood behind you pushing you. His hands touching your lower back every time. "I'm gonna do an underdog." He said.

He ran under you, making it out on the other side. You laughed. He walked towards you and stopped the swing. He leaned over you and kissed you passionately. "Where to next?" He said, so close to your face, that you could feel his hot breath. "Home." You said, and kissed him again.


When you got back to your house Luke went downstairs to freshen up a bit. You went to go hand out with your brother and sister.

"So, (Y/B/N) what do you think of Luke?" You asked your brother, putting food in your mouth. Your sister gave that oh shit look.

"Well, I think he's like any other guy you've dated. You're really happy together, until you discover he's a douche and he does something awful, and then I comfort you." Your brother said.

You were silent for a moment. "Luke's not like that..." You said. "What so different about him?" Your brother asked. You didn't answer, because honestly you didn't quite know how to explain it. "Exactly." He said.

"Your a dick." You said and stormed out of the room.

You went to your room and tears welled up in your eyes. You flopped down on the bed. Luke entered the room from the bathroom. He sat down next to you and placed a hand on your back. "What's wrong (Y/N)?" He asked.

"N-Nothing." You stuttered and left the room. You locked yourself in the bathroom upstairs.

--Luke's POV--

(Y/N) left the room. I had no idea what was wrong. I walked upstairs and went into the kitchen where (Y/N)'s sister was. "(Y/S/N), do you know what's wrong with (Y/N)? Why is she crying?" I asked.

"(Y/B/N) said that you were like every other guy she's ever dated, and that later she'd find out you were a douche and you'd hurt her. She said you were different. And he asked what was different about you. I don't think she could quite explain it. And he just said exactly, and she called him a dick." She said. "Wow, so he doesn't like me." I said. "He just really overprotective, he's like that with me too." She said.

I left the kitchen and went to (Y/N)'s brothers room. I knocked. "Come in." I heard him say. I opened the door. "What's different about me, is that I love (Y/N) so much. I worship the ground she walks on. I would do anything for her. I don't know what i'd do without her. She makes me a better person. She makes me laugh. She makes me smile. She makes me feel like the most special guy in the world. She is the light of my life. I'll never let her go. I care about her, I understand her, and I would protect her with my life. That's what's different about me." I said.

I closed the door and left before he could say anything. "Wow. I need someone like you." (Y/S/N) said.

--Your POV--

Your brother entered the room. "I'm sorry." He said and came over to you. "Luke is different. He cares about you enough to fight for you. To stand up for you. He really loves you (Y/N)." He said. "I know. And I really love him. And I wish you loved him too." You said, wiping tears from your cheek. "I will someday. Now, I trust him." Your brother said. He pulled you into a hug, and patted your back. "Don't mess it up. He's good for you."

"I won't." You laughed. Luke came into the room. "Your a good guy Luke. I trust you. Treat her right." You brother said. "I will." Luke smiled.

"(Y/N)" Your sister said entering the room. "I recorded what Luke said to (Y/B/N)" She said it like he wasn't even in the room. She played you the recording of what Luke had said.

"(Y/S/N) Get out." You said. Your sister left the room and gave you a wink. "Why'd you tell her to leave?" Luke asked. "So I can do this." You said. You pushed Luke back onto the bed, so he was lying and kissed him hovering over him. He let out a soft moan.

"I love you." You said. "I love you too (Y/N)"

Luke kissed you passionately again, and lifted up your shirt.

hey guys! sorry this took so long to get out. i'm on vacation, but i finally got it done. hope you liked it and thought it was cute!! sorry if it was a bit long, but i hope it makes up for that fact you had to wait for it. lemme know what you thought ❤❤ thanks for all the reads!! it feels really good, i didn't think anyone would ever read my imagines, it feels great to know people are enjoying them😘

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