The Purchased Mistress

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The Purchased Mistress

I didn't know what to think anymore. My life is not one anyone would ever wish for but this...this is a whole new level. I'm in a car with some proxy lawyer sent on the behalf of his boss, driving to my new home. I wish I could huddle in my own world, cry my pain away but I was past tears. If there is a God, he is cruel to have given me to my birth parents.

My dad is a low time drug dealer and my mom a stripper who happens to be addicted to my dad's supply of blow. To them, it's a good circular deal. We lived in a cramped one bedroom with sparse second hand furniture.

I spent the last seventeen years of my life sleeping on a closet floor with raggedy blankets. It was a better alternative. The couch always being used by my parent's or their equally cracked out friends and the bed sometimes becoming occupied for some unspectacular rutting.

I had dreamed a thousand times of escaping my life. I spent every waking day counting the days to my eighteenth birthday so that I could be free. Well I got my wish. I just didn't want it this way... I never expected to get what I wanted this way. Who the hell would ever think this shit would happen in real life. I finally felt the tears silently leaking down my face as I pressed my face into the window, letting the cool glass soothe my scorching face.

"It will be alright Miss, you will see, it is not as bad as it seems." said the lawyer, Mr. Deluca in a calm soothing voice.

You are probably wondering what this is all about. It's simple really. My mother was approached after one of her shifts by Mr. Deluca about a business proposition his boss was purchase her daughter.

Always having been in the way, my mother jumped at the chance. She got a large amount of cash and in exchange, Mr. Mysterious got all exclusive rights to me. The only thing that was to my satisfaction was that I was to be set up in my own residence and was never to see any of my family relations again. That was fine by me. It was the only good thing about this whole scenario.

To be given as some rich man's mistress? I had no idea if he was old or young, ugly or attractive, mean or nice. For all I know, he could be a fat mean balding pig of a man with a fetish for bondage and pain.

The car turned off the road and made it's way into a secular drive. We stopped in front of a very attractive house that sat right from the waterfront. It was a two story house with a large wrap around porch. The east corner formed a gazebo and there was a large balcony on the second floor with glass double doors. It was made of orangy pink brick and pale yellow stucco. The lawn was large and immaculate. It was the nicest site I had ever seen.

I followed Mr. Deluca up the stairs and into the house. The entrance hall was large and welcoming and opened directly into a large living room that was comfortably furnished and had floor to ceiling windows. Down a hall was the dining room and state of the art kitchen. The back of the first floor had steps that led to a large solarium with many plants and greens. I could see an in ground pool through the greenery in the back yard.

Mr. Deluca brought me to the second floor where there was a bedroom and a small office and down the hall to the master bedroom. This was the room with the veranda. The patio doors were currently opened and the curtains were blowing in the light breeze. To the back was the connecting washroom which was all pale stone. There was a large roman bath, stand up shower with multiple jets and infinity sink. It was every woman's wet dream.

At Mr. Deluca's insistence, I was then brought back downstairs and to another set of stairs found in the back of the kitchen that led to the basement. Once he opened the door, I nearly cried.

Inside was a library. The walls were covered with floor to ceiling shelves, some of them already full, the rest bare. There was three plush reading chairs spread around the floor and a fireplace set in the rear. My feet were met with thick green carpet. This is what sold the house to me. I loved to read. Books were my life, my way of escape when everything got too bad.

This gave me hope.

"I hope you like your new home Miss. Everything is stocked, there is plenty of food in the fridge. A maid will pass by every Monday and Thursday. There is a packet upstairs in the office with a bank card and credit card to your name. Mr. Carver has set up a generous stipend for you so you should have enough funds to do whatever you wish. Do you need anything from me?"

'Umm, I think you've covered everything. When will...when will he be home?" I asked nervously.

"This is your home my dear. Mr. Carver thought it would be better, to give you time to adjust. He will stop by sometime this week most likely. In the meantime, here is the number to the personal driver he has assigned to you. His name is Nick and he is on call so any time you would like to go out, just give him a call. Now if you will excuse me, I will leave you to explore your new home." He finished kindly before he took his leave.

I sat down on the nearest couch, completely overwhelmed. All this was for me...the house, the furnishings. There was a laptop in the office, flat screen tv's in the living room and bedroom, and this library...I was shell shocked.

I must have sat there for close to a half hour, just marveling at the whole situation till I finally decided to make the best of it. I didn't know when my knew owner, Mr. Carver, would arrive, but I did know that I was going to take advantage of the first sense of peace I've ever had in my life as well as the luxuries I had never seen, before he arrived.

With that, I grabbed a book from one of the shelves and went up to run a bath.


Hours later, after a leisurely soak, a simple dinner and some tv watching, I headed to bed. I realized to late that I had brought nothing, not even clothes. A quick glance in the walk in closet to care of my worries though, the closet had some items in it. I found set of pajama shorts and tank tops and settled myself in the huge bed.

I sank in it's feathery softness, enveloped by the many pillows that were scattered about it. This was heaven. I had never in my life felt such simple comfort. I closed my eyes and was out like a light.

I don't know if I was deeply asleep or just on the verge, but I could have sworn I felt the gentle touch of fingers as they brushed my hair off my forehead. By that point, I was too exhausted to pay much attention.

I drifted off into the first peaceful sleep of my life.

And it was glorious!


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