The Departure

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"What was that?"

"Me praying for you to forgive, have strength when times get hard, and for you to bring back what you need for your homeland to prosper once more."

Softly, I gazed at Ivy. "Thank you." I whispered to her, uttering words that had so much meaning. It wasn't just a thank you for praying for me not but for being there when no else had been and for being my rock throughout everything. I probably would not have made it out like I did without here.

"Loyalty." Ivy voiced softly. "I will forever be loyal to Avril. If you need me, if I can help. I will be there."

Eyes watering, despite telling myself I was done crying, I took a deep, shaky breath. I blinked back the tears. "You will always be under my wing Ivy. If I can do anything for you, I will." At a loss for words, I had no idea how to utter all that I wanted to say.

Nodding as if she understood the words that I didn't say, she stepped back...into the arms of Azule. My eyes widened momentarily to see the infatuated expression on her face as she bit her lip and gazed up at him. My attention turned to the dark eyes of Azule, only to see he was staring directly at me. Lips turning up into a tiny smile, he nodded respectfully at me and I turned back to Ivy only for her to shrug in a what-can-you-do type of way.

I knew the repercussions of Ivy following love instead of power, but there was something so beautiful about the two of them. It was that new type of kindled love, that lacked any taint of hurt, pain, lies, or betrayal. It was like the first snow of winter that was white pure and had not yet been ruined by the world around it. Bitterness chewed at my tongue as I gazed at the couple who connected eyes and smiled like they were lost in each other's eyes. Would Ike and I ever truly get to that point again? Where there wouldn't be such a push and pull between us?

I hope Azule always made Ivy smile like that. For what she gave up, he better not ever hurt or so help me...I'll find the quickest route to this forsaken planet and ruin him.

Alem slowly fluttered between the two couple, eyes disapprovingly staring at Ivy, who stepped slightly away from Azule to Azule's chagrin and bowed her head. The discomfort and slight shame that reflected in her eyes before she dropped them to the ground was clear.

Seeing the change in her posture, I frowned and turned my eyes to Alem, slight fire dancing behind my eyes at the fact that he ruined their moment and caused Ivy to act like that.

"She knows better." He simply said, sounding like a father who just discovered that his squeaky-clean daughter had just started dating the school's bad boy. "She knows what's good for her, yet she still does this." He muttered low enough so only him and I could hear.

"The heart wants what it wants." I replied, in a slightly defiant tone. I moved to go to Ivy to comfort her, but Azule beat me to the punch stepping closer to her and gently wrapping an arm around her. She lifted her head to look at him and he placed a chaste kiss on her forehead. A shimmery teal glow flared around her at his touch, before it vanished the next second. However, that lovesick expression was back.

Witnessing the whole thing, Alem shook his head. "The heart can be idiotic." With a small snort, he changed the subject. "So this is our final good bye Miss. Elements of life"

Bittersweetly, I smirked at Alem seeing the small amusement in his eyes at his gentle teasing. "That it is." I nodded not knowing what else to say. A large part of me would miss Alem and Ivy especially. I took a glance at Ivy only to see that in the sunshine's light, her eyes were shimmering with a mix of emotion. Quickly turning back to Alem, already missing Ivy, I kept my face neutral.

Orange eyes staring at me, a thankful closed-lip smile appeared on his face. "I would just like to thank you Avril and all your friends for what you all have did for us. Because of you all, we now have a reusable water source and because of you, the threat of other warrior attacks have been decreased. You have all helped us and for that we will be forever grateful."

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