Chapter 8: A Night With Him

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Chapter 8

A Night With Him.

I am surprised to see the view in front of me. Harry has just driven to my house while I had been too lost in my thoughts to care where he was driving to. I am still staring in front of me through the windscreen of the car not knowing if I should thank him or just run away. I turn to my side as the door to my side opens. Harry is looking down at me with an amusing smile. "Are you staying in the car tonight?", he asks me in a mocking tone. I come out of my shock and leave the car as he closes the door and I find my house keys in my purse. I am still wondering how come he got all the things in this bag. I open up my door and enter my house looking around as a I remember the breaking sounds from last night. But not a single thing seems out of place. "Nothings broken. Everything has been taken care off when you were away." Harry speaks as he flungs himself on my couch in the living room. "So are you cooking or should I order?" His smirk is back on his face. So he is having his dinner here. The more I try to escape him, the more closer he gets to me. "You are leaving after the dinner, right?" I ask him with a worried expression on my face, knowing his answer very well. "Are you kidding me? I am staying with you till the operation is on." He says as a matter of fact. And there goes his answer that I dreaded so much.

Harry is enjoying his favourite show that I have no clue about while I am stuck in the kitchen cooking. My mind is more on getting him out of my house rather than paying attention to the pot of rice. And that is how I burn my hand trying to pick up the pot after turning of the gas without any gloves or cloth.

I set the rice and stir fried veggies on the table and call for him. I stand putting my hand under the cool water flowing from the tap while he enters sniffing the air for the aroma of the dish. "What happened to your hand? Oh wait! its a burn mark." The hint of concern crossing his eyes for few seconds before going back to the jerk he is. I join him few minutes later on the dinner table. I look at him while having my dinner hoping he would like it. I have no idea why I hoped for it. He is enjoying his meal and eating like he was starved until today. "Slow down, road runner. You need to chew the food too." I say and he immediately obliges. "I miss home-made food. Being on the run almost all the time, I need to eat in either restaurants or at agency and sometimes I skip my meals. The food is okay there but this one reminds me of home." Harry opens up to me which is rare and there is a longing in his eyes. Perhaps, he is missing his family. The mask he wears is finally off and it is replaced with an expression of feeling content. We have the rest of the dinner in silence and then I do the dishes while Harry sits quietly. I have a feeling he is watching me. "You cook good", he mutters in a quiet tone. "Its okay I guess. Not good", I say looking over my shoulder to find Harry shaking his head and mumbling something to himself that sounds like 'being modest'.

After changing, I go downstairs to find Harry and he is still lying on the couch. "You can sleep in the guest bedroom. The couch can be uncomfortable." I tell him trying to get his attention but all he does is stare at the ceiling. I wave my hand in front of his vision. "I will be fine here. I cannot sleep. Need to lookout for you." The last sentence makes my heart fill with concern for him. He is losing his sleep for me and all I have done in return is made him food with arrogant replies. "But you need sleep, we can take turns", I suggest so that he can sleep atleast for a while. But being the kind of person he is, he simply refuses. I try to come up with something but nothing convincing comes up in my mind. So I climb back upstairs to sleep. On my way, I tell him to ask me for anything he needs and get back to my bed.

It has been a while since I left him down and I am restless knowing that he is awake, looking out for me. As times passes, I feel sleep falling upon me.

I am walking down the path still unable to find my way back home. Why did I decide on walking alone! The path ends and I find myself at the entrance of the dark woods. It seems familiar but I can't seem to point it out. There is no sense in going back and the only way I can go ahead is by passing the woods. Even though, the idea seems scary to me, I still walk down a small trail that is barely visible. The trail disappears after sometime and I am left with no other option but to go with my instincts. I pause wondering which way will lead me back home and suddenly I hear leaves crunching. Panic sets into my heart as I am no more alone here. I frantically look around to find the source of noise and I am pulled back into someone's chest. A gasp escaping my mouth as an arrow hits the tree beside me, just a second later. I am saved but who is my savior? My chest is heaving unaware of what is going on and I struggle to get out of the hold of the person, feels like a tough guy. The grip of my savior tightens on me and I start hyperventilating.

"Calm down. Calm down Alina, its me.." a voice reaches my ear that seems to be coming from far away. My struggling becomes weak and I jolt awake to find Harry hovering above me. His hands are rubbing my arms in a comforting manner, but all I feel are the chills running down my spine everytime he touches my skin. "Its fine Alina. Calm down." I grab my finger feeling for my silver ring and it is in place. I look at Harry with frenzied eyes and release a breath I didn't know I was holding.

I fall back in my bed and relax. "Bad dream?" Harry whispers sitting besides me on the bed. I nod unable to talk with a constricted throat. "Last night too, when I arrived here, you had a bad dream if I am not wrong.." Harry trails off not speaking above a whisper. I nod again while attempting to calm my racing heart beat. "What does your dreams have to do with your ring?", he points to my hand still holding my finger tightly assuring myself that the I am awake, in reality. "I-I can't tell you", I manage to reply in a shaky voice. He frowns for a moment knitting his eyebrows together. "And why is that?" "Because I don't want you to know.." I reply feeling nervous. I am not ready to share my problems with anyone. Even Jack has no idea about it.

Harry shifts forwards and takes my hand to get a good look on the ring. He assumes that I might pull my hand away but I do nothing. My heartbeat seems to be settling in a rhythmic pace though I am still shaking, maybe due to anxiety. "Calm down. You are still shaky. I am here and won't let anything hurt you. Okay?" He soothes me as I try to get my body in control. I nod after regaining some strength. Harry gets up from my bed and leans against the same window from which he made me jump through. I keep staring at him wondering many things about this guy who was supposed to be a killer and gradually fall asleep, for the second time in the same night. I can only hope for it to be a dreamless one.


So how was this chapter? What do you guys think about about the silver ring incident? Any ideas or suggestions, tell me in the comments.

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