Chapter 26: Falling and Flying

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Chapter 26

Falling and Flying.

"We surely need an ace hacker." Harry suggests. "And we have two available here." Kevin blurts out, making his eyebrows dance. I chuckle. "Don't count me in the ace league." "Alina, don't start with it again. Stop underestimating yourself." Kevin says to me, strictly. And both of them stare at me with a warning glare. I sink myself lower in the chair. "Okay, fine! Don't stare at me." "Who's staring?" Harry asks with a hint of playfulness. "No one." Kevin utters in fake seriousness as both of them look back at the screen of the laptop. Cheaters.

"Kevin, you will have to hack the security cameras, elevators, screens and if possible their entire systems." Harry explains him and I keep listening to them. They discuss about the plan to barge in the agency for couple of hours, deciding entry points, exit points and what not. I just don't understand. I suggest them to sneak in and they deny but when Harry says it, its approved with a stamp on it. Why! This is unfair. Isn't it risky now? Kevin was so against it but suddenly, Harry decides that it needs to be done and voila! Kevin agrees in a second.

They are making preparations to finally implement the plan into action, Kevin is adding final touches to the firewall, Harry is counting his weapons and I am trying to hold my breath, for as long as possible. Yes. You heard it right. These guys are upto something really crazy and this is the best thing I can do, according to them.

I am woken up by Harry at sharp 5'o clock in the morning and usually, I am not a morning person, except in some cases. "Get ready and come out in the living area. We are going out of this cave." This news shocks as well as cheers me up. "Are you for real? Is it a dream?" Harry walks towards me and pokes me in arm. "Does that prove my existence?" I nod, getting up excitedly and rushing to the bathroom.

I arrive in the living area 20 minutes later to find Harry waiting for me. "I thought, its going to take you an hour." He says with a sigh, getting up from the couch and straightening himself. I smack him on his arm. "It tickles." He chuckles after making fun of me. Insensitive creature. We tread through the dark cave passage and soon emerge in the open, early morning approaching with a chilling wind. The atmosphere is light and soothing after the heaviness of the musty cave for days. He leads me away from the small clearing to a different trail that goes inside the forest. "Why are you taking me in there?" "You will know as soon as we reach the spot." And then, its a silent walk from there with my stumbling steps and his effortless stride.

Harry stops near a large tree, waiting for me to catch up with him. I am just few steps behind and soon stop beside him. There is a thick curtain of greenish creepers and climbers hanging ahead and he points to it. "See that. The place is on the other side of these climbers. Lets go." He gets a hold on my wrist and starts walking through the hanging branches and the scenery on the other side is surprising.

"You were already here!" I ask Kevin in a surprised tone. He just nods with a small smile, fastening ropes to a large boulder with multiple knots. As the small clump of trees end here, there is a some open space and then its the deep green valley. One wrong step and you would be dead within seconds. But the view is breathtaking, the far away dark mountains covered in clouds are a contrast to the bright green valley below them. The pinkish purple sky that is transforming to bright orange with the rising sun, only adds to the beauty of the scene in front of my eyes.

"What! Are you kidding me?" I yell at Harry, flabbergasted by his casual tone. "Its not that risky. You have me and Kevin, anyways." Harry shrugs as he tries to assure me and let me tell you, it is not working. Not even a bit. "C'mon Alina! Be a sport now. It was you who was desperate to join us in the plan." Kevin encourages me or should I say, is trying to make me feel guilty. "So you want me hanging from this very cliff?" I ask gulping loudly. "Yes and I will accompany you." Somehow, Harry's company relieves me a bit but I am still reluctant to do this.

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