Chapter 46: New Beginning

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Chapter 46

New Beginning.

We went from feeling fine to bad and bad to worst and finally we are going from worst to good; all this in just a matter of few months, two and a half month to be precise. Far different from my usual routine, here I am, watching the movie Sherlock Holmes along with both of them where Kevin is far more interested in the popcorn and Harry is too engrossed in the movie to notice anything and I am thankful for that because I just realised that I have been staring at his face all this time as my train of thoughts took me back to a flashback of the previous months. "Yes, it must be him." Harry mumbles to himself, inviting all the attention from me and Kevin to himself as he pins the man on the screen with a suspicious glare. 

Things change when you least expect them to, sometimes for the good and sometimes for the better because life needs restructuring after every interval in your life. I shake my head, clearing my mind and joining Harry in pinpointing the criminal out of group of suspects.

I don't remember the moment when my eyes close and I enter the dreamland but I know it was before the movie ended. I can pick up some blurred voices talking to each other as I have woken up from my slumber. The words like 'Beautiful' and 'Alina' (yes, they are talking about me, again) fall on my ears and I can hardly resist not to catch up on their secret conversation. I keep my eyes closed and then I hear them whispering. 

"She doesn't have to know, I have already created a havoc in her life. I need her to carry on with her normal life, peacefully." Harry whispers in his husky voice and Kevin hums in agreement. "But she isn't as fragile as you think about her. Ask her opinion before deciding anything for her." "It's not about what I think.." "It is Harry. You admit it or not but I can clearly see it in your face how much you care for her or rather-" "Don't say it, I don't-"And that's when Harry stops mid sentence. I slowly stir as if on cue to keep their suspicion away. I don't want them to know that I heard them. 

I can hear them hushing each other and I flutter my eyes open only to notice the sky is still dark and look at their hazy figures while rubbing my eyes. A yawn escapes my mouth and I look at their expressionless faces. "What time is it?" I mumble in a raspy voice, sitting up from my sleeping position on the couch. "It will soon be 4am." Harry mumbles looking up at me from his seat on the floor.

I lay down on the couch again when Harry gestures me to sleep inside comfortably but I just shake my head to say no. I am too lazy and sleepy to get up now. He smiles in amusement and lies down on the carpeted floor besides Kevin.

I wake to the bright sunlight piercing through my closed eyelids and blinding me for few seconds when I open my eyes. This is not where I fell

asleep because I find myself on my bed, tucked under the covers nicely. I get up and roam around in my flat, looking for the two men but no one seems to be present here.

I go back to my bedroom and my eyes land on the bedside where lies a small note folded into half and partially tucked under the lamp. I pull it out and open the note to read it.

'I think you might read this in the morning so firstly, Good Morning Alina. Me and Kevin have some task at hand, so we need to leave but we will be back by the evening. Take care. HS :)'

So its just me in my new nest today. I get ready and eat my breakfast and do some minor arrangements that were left yesterday. Grocery shopping is the other thing on my to-do list so I grab my purse and lace up my shoes before locking up and leaving for the supermarket. I shall cook them dinner as a thanks for helping me set up my house, is the first thought that comes to my mind when I reach the vegetable section.

Its seven in the evening and there is still no sign of those two. The dinner is almost ready and if they don't arrive soon, the spaghetti will turn to a clump. I have never cooked it before and I hope they like it. Soon, there is a knock on the door and I rush to open it to find the two of them standing there with exhausted looks on their faces.

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