Chapter 19: Rogue Agent

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Chapter 19

Rogue Agent.

Harry's hands are balled up in to fists at his sides. Daniel's remarks are getting him worked up. I don't understand the reason that he gives a damn about what that dumb Daniel has to say. "Your file says your intelligence level is high. But you don't seem to be using it, love." Yeah, right! Like he himself is using any brains here. "Careful with your words, Daniel." "Dear Edward, already defending her." Harry shifts his weight from one foot to another, the muscles in his upper arms flexing as his fists are slowly rising upwards. This Daniel guy really gets him lose his temper. I place my hand on his right arm, forcing it down to his side with all my strength. I don't want them shooting a single bullet at us. Daniel gives out a howling laugh with a look of amusement. "Oh look at her...If she is that smart, she would have stepped away minutes ago." With a self satisfying smirk appearing on his lips, Daniel folds his hands over his chest, challenging Harry to some sort of his inward challenge. Harry is struggling to keep still now.

He mutters harshly under his breath, "Just step to the other side. What's the deal with it!" "But they are-" "They won't shoot me dead. They need me." Somehow, I have a feeling that this is what Daniel wants, for me to get away from Harry, so that he could take me away and present himself as the hero and get Harry locked up. I step aside unwillingly since Harry will go on and on until I do as he wants. I wish someone could knock some sense into his hard head that Daniel is just provoking him. "The rogue agent has surrendered. Get the target." The voice booms on the loudspeaker ordering his team and Daniel with two other men, is walking straight towards me. I am terrified by Daniel's approach while on the other hand, enraged on those people. How dare they call him a rogue agent! "He is not a rogue agent!" The words flow out of my mouth before I can stop them. "You are right! He is not." A familiar voice shouts from behind me and two tough hands snake around my waist, pulling me backwards, making me shriek as my back collides with a hard chest. My lungs are knocked out of wind and I am left gasping from the sudden attack on me. Before I can even breathe, all the guns are now pointing at me. Bloody hell! Realisation hits me a second later that its the attacker they are targeting now. A gun is placed right at my temple. I shudder as the cold metal touches my skin, gulping loudly as my throat constricts.

"Guns down, guys. Or else she dies. Simple, isn't it?" His calm yet threatening voice reaches my ears. I choke on my own breathing, burning my throat and leaving it dry. I am at a loss of words with only a tiny whisper escaping my mouth, "Kevin..." "Yeah, I am glad you remember me, Alina." I notice Harry's eyes staring at me, wide and horror-struck. His anger subsided by the betrayal of his trusted partner, making him look vulnerable and lost. "Thanks mate. It was easy to keep up the ruse with you behaving like a rogue. All the suspicion from the agency was focussed on you." Kevin speaks directly to Harry. Kevin's heart is pounding against his ribcage, I can feel it on my back. His right hand keeping the gun steady at my temple while the left one holding me at place, to prevent my escape. "Kevin, you are the-" But Harry's words are drowned by a cold harsh laugh given by Kevin. "Yes, Edward. It was me all along. The rogue agent. All I need is the virus now and this lady here can give me that and probably more." Even Daniel looks taken aback and dumbfounded. 

"Now agents, I need this lady with me but I am not scared to drill a bullet in her head. So keep your weapons on the ground." But no one is moves an inch. "C'mon! You want her dead, Edward?" This sends Harry off the edge. "Listen to him! Do it." He shouts impatiently, unable to hold himself steady to the ground, his feet itching to run across the car, towards me. He takes his job too seriously but that only reminds me of how safe I was with him. All of them, one by one are laying their guns on the ground and I am helpless, alive at the mercy of my captor.

I am being pulled into the same car that Harry drove, minutes ago. I am pushed inside through the driver seat and Kevin slips into the car, pushing me towards the passenger seat. I lunge forward to push the door to my side open with my fumbling hands so as to slip away but the doors lock instantly and the engine roars to life. I struggle and try my best to wrench open the door, knowing my efforts are useless against the locked door. A bullet hits the car, bringing me to a stop and the car speeds further as they open a fire on us. I can faintly hear Harry screaming in the distance, "Stop! You will hurt her." And in a few seconds the scene and Harry are left behind as Kevin hits the accelerator hard, crossing the speed limits. I slump down crying again. Is this it? I won't let him have the pleasure of seeing me cry. This will only make me vulnerable and I need to stay strong. There is always a way out and if there isn't, I will make one.

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