Chapter 7: Something Fishy

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Chapter 7

Something Fishy.

Harry gave me a silent ride to my office with small glances like the last time and left me standing here opposite to the gate of Forbidden Technologies. He gave me a handbag similar to mine with everything I need. I cross the road and make my way through the entrance and greet Norman, a middle-aged security guard. We talk almost everyday for few minutes before leaving and he says that I resemble his daughter, Daisy.

I swipe my card (Which I am surprised to find in the bag) and settle down in the cubicle with my four colleagues. Kevin, Nicholas (who pleads me to call him Nick) and my best friend,  Jack Thomas. Jack has been my best buddy since my second term in the University of Westminster as we are in the same class. He has been there by my side in every condition. Be it assignments help or difficulty in lessons and rather everything.

Even Jack is in his chair, that means I am definitely late. But not later than the office reporting time. Kevin and Nick greet me and resume their work. I and Jack sit side by side and chat as I wait for my computer to start up. He is in his usual hoodie and jeans with those messy hair in his eyes. "Hey Al, lost your way today?" "Na, got up late" I made up an excuse as I am not ready to share my last night's incident. "Oh... uhm, wanna go out for a coffee at the usual. Its been long since the last time..." he trailed off waiting for my answer. "I will let you know", is all I can say. He smiles at me and with that I go back to work. Jack and I used to hang a lot. He used to show me around the city of London. And we always ended up at the small cafe near the University called Little Binge.

It is my last week of my first month in this job and that means that I am getting my first salary soon. And all I have to do is crack the security of their new software. I just have to point out the flaws and they rebuild the modules again. As long as I can find a keyhole to crash the whole security system, they keep working on it. And with this week, almost major part of the software will be done. They really make it tough to breach the security of the system but that's what our work is. I remember my first day when my head and project manager Mr. Martin Sawford made a small speech to all four of us.

"Here at Forbidden Technologies, we make breaching the security impossible. So go on my four new interns and crack so that none can hack."

Those were the last statements he made. It makes me laugh sometimes even now. But that also means my last academic term will be commencing soon and I have no idea how will I handle both.

During my lunch break, I settle down at my usual corner table in the cafeteria. Today, I have my lunch alone since Jack is still working to sort out some issues with the programmers of the software. I stare out the large windows while having my strawberry yogurt. I do a double take when I find Harry walking through the large corridors. He takes a different door instead of heading towards me. Something is fishy, I should have known. I have acted way too calm towards the last night's incident. I finish my meal and leave the cafeteria to follow him. Lets see what is he upto.

I slowly glide on the glossy floor sticking with the walls. He is nearly 6 foots ahead of me but I can see him clearly heading for the head office. Does he know Mr. Sawford? I turned my back to him as soon as he turned around. I quickly join the group of people passing by so that he does not suspect me. I have a feeling that he is aware of being followed. I watch his reflection, walking inside the office, on the glass doors ahead. He is gone and I have no choice but to return back to my work. Jack is missing from his chair, still assisting the team I guess.

After the tiring day ends, I leave the office and after my goodbye with Norman, I head out of the gates. A car stops in front of me, bringing me to a halt. "Hey Al, where are you going?" says jack from the passenger window, with a confused expression. "I think I will walk home tonight" I need to clear my head and I cannot just tell Jack about everything. "But its dark and your house is far away Alina" he almost scolds me. "Jack I-" "Alina! There you are, Mr. Sawford needs you for few minutes. Something about new project.", interrupts Kevin with a smile. "Jack I need to go. Don't wait up for me." I say turning around. "I will still be waiting. I need to talk to you" yells Jack. Now I am torn between walking towards Kevin or Jack. Should I let him wait for me and spill everything that happened last night? "Jack, I too am waiting tonight. I can drop her home, mate." Kevin tells Jack in a comforting tone. After considering that for almost five minutes, he agrees and says his goodbye before driving off.

Kevin and I reach the head office with no one inside. "Where is Martin?" I ask Kevin with a rise of sudden panic in me. "He was here when I came to find you" Kevin replies with confusion written all over his face. "I think he left, he was on an urgent call." Kevin muttered walking to his table and looking at the papers. Finally, after waiting for whole ten minutes we decide its time to leave. Kevin locks the office door and hands the keys to Norman. When we reach the gates, the same black Audi R8 is waiting with the same curly haired driver. Ugh!

Kevin looks at me as I dismiss him saying that he is an old friend of mine. Kevin gives me a knowing smile and says his goodbye before leaving. I march towards the car with pure hatred. I don't know what makes me hate him that much but I don't care. I climb in the car and ask with annoyance clear in my voice, "What is your problem?" Instead of answering me, he starts driving. "I am not coming to that HQ again." I scowl at him. "Put on your seatbelt please." Harry says coolly like nothing has happened. I fold my arms and sit there without moving a muscle. If he doesn't know yet, let me remind him that two can play at this game. He stops at the red signal and leans over me, impulsively, taking me by surprise. I immediately try to push myself back into the seat as much as I can to get away from him. His hand goes to the other side of my seat and pulls the Seatbelt, securing it over me and locking it in place. His eyes never leaving my brown ones capturing me in a trance. He seems to suddenly jolt back, settling himself in the seat. The signal immediately turns green and he starts driving. The emotionless mask is back on his face. I do not notice the scenary outside neither do I talk to him. I am just looking straight wondering whether I am in danger and should I trust Harry?


Here goes another chapter. Tell me about any ideas or suggestions you may want to share. Vote and comment if you like it.

Special thanks to ApoorvaPatrikar and flowing_serenity for supporting this story. Go read their books. They are amazing.



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