Chapter 27: Restlessness

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Chapter 27


"He will be back soon." Kevin assures me as I am drenched with the anxiety of my worried mind. "But it has been six hours since he left. Is he renting a car or manufacturing it?" I exaggerate to make him feel the seriousness of the situation. Even his tone is casual, reflecting only one thing. He is least bothered about the hours that have passed since Harry left.

I am pacing near the door of the cave at the end of seventh hour when it slides back, letting a drenched Harry in. He messes up his curls in an attempt to rid them off the water that is dripping from the ends of his locks. He pulls off his jacket and hands me a few bags, settling himself on the single cushioned chair with a sigh. "It is raining like crazy, out there." I pin him down with my gaze. I need answers.

"What's wrong?" "Nothing, mate. She is just about to kill you for being late." Kevin replies nonchalantly. "Really?" Harry asks me, an amusing smile appearing on his lips. "What took you so long?" I interrogate him with my best death glare I can achieve. "I said its raining like hell. Visibility is low and people are rushing back home." He says with a casual shrug, unaffected by my grave expressions. "The bags contains groceries. God! I hate grocery shopping." He complains like a kid making me roll my eyes at him. "Except the black bag. Pass it here, to me." And I oblige. That bag suddenly grabs my attention. But as soon as he receives the bag, he slips inside the room, leaving me wondering what could be inside it.

"Tomorrow, we leave in the morning, at sharp 6am. Alina, you know what to do?" I nod once Harry inquires me. Since the moment he arrived back in this living room, he has been making his speech before the war like a commander of a squad. "Kevin, is it ready?" "Almost, I will go and check on it." "Alina, look at me." He commands in a stern voice. "This is the firewall CD. All you have to do is install it." "Okay..." I trail off realising that Kevin is checking up on something else while I was convinced that he was talking about the firewall. What are these guys upto? "Go and get some sleep, because you are seriously going to need a lot of energy for tomorrow." As if on cue, I yawn and shuffle my feet on the floor to get back in the room.

How ironic it would be if I tell you that I have been lying awake since past couple of hours, restless about tomorrow. Even after yawning exactly four times, I am wide awake like a nocturnal creature, might as well turn into one. The endless possibilities that can ruin Harry's plan are revolving around my head. I am worried about him when I should be more worried about myself. It sounds funny now, how I trusted him so easily. He could have misled me, all this time and I would have fell in his trap just perfectly. But Kevin was the one, a link between Harry and me. Without him, I can't imagine me and Harry on talking and smiling terms. It was not because he wasn't putting any efforts to communicate with me but it was my ignorance to his every polite attempt and that can frustrate any person. Thoughts and thoughts, my mind is full yet not a single one is convincing enough to keep my anxieties at bay.

I pace back and forth, unable to keep still any longer on the bed. Will I be able to do it right? Will we make out of it successful? What if I am caught? What if either of the two or both of them are caught? At this point, nothing seemed easy though it actually is. It is, right?

"Restless?" Harry's voice echoes over the silence of the night. I turn around to see a weird face in front of me and not Harry. Am I hallucinating too, now? Confusion clouds my mind and I rub my eyes to make sure, I am seeing the right things. But the man with straight medium hair, pushed back like Harry, flashing a smile without dimples is still standing with his hands folded over his chest.

"Don't worry, its me." He reassures me but I can't seem to understand who the person standing at the door is? He steps inside the room and stops to stand in front of me. His emerald eyes grabs my attention immediately and I know those eyes. I can recognise them anywhere. Its him. He puts his hand behind his ear and pulls off the mask he had been wearing, gently. "Wasn't I convincing?" "Yes, you were, Harry." I smile softly and shake my head. "You might want to work on your voice though." "Oh, I am not going to use my own voice. Don't worry. Worked out everything." He explains and sits down on the bed.

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