Chapter 5: Misunderstandings

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Chapter 5


The cold air is whipping my hair out of my face making me feel serene but thrilling at the same time. My surroundings are a blur, whizzing past me. But the moment I am reminded about being in the arms of a deadly stranger, all the serenity in my heart seems to transform into fear. Everything has been happening in slow motion since he has jumped with me through the window. He lands perfectly on his feet while I stumble as his arms steady me. He pulls me with him towards the woods. I, instantly come to a halt, making him turn to look at me with a questioning look. "Not the woods, please.", I mumble in a fearful tone. "You gotta trust me here. Come on." he mumbles while grabbing my hand. He pulls me towards the trail in the woods and this time I let him guide me.

We sprint into the dark woods, dodging the trees, crunching leaves and twigs beneath our feet. I seem to get dizzy gradually (as I had no dinner tonight) and my now racing heart is throbbing in my head. I am running out of breath while he is still running as effortlessly as before. I stumble a lot but his hold on my hand keeps me from falling except for once when my legs get tangled into one another. I fall with a thump, landing flat on my face, pulling him back as he lands on the ground besides me. I groan in pain and sit up catching my breath while he is still pulling himself up. "Are you alright?" I ask him while dusting the dead leaves and soil off my clothes when I realise that I am in the middle of the woods in my pjs. Oh brilliant! He grabs my hands and pulls me up on my feet muttering, "I am fine but its you I am worried about." His face shows a hint of concern which he successfully masks again with an emotionless face.

After a few moments of calming our breath and looking around, he speaks. "We are just minutes away from our destination. Can you walk?" "Well, I can try" The words leave my mouth without thinking. We start walking on the path guided by him at a very slow pace. For walking about 20 minutes with stiffened and aching legs, we reach a clean concrete highway. It is pretty much empty except one or two heavy vehicles passing in every 15 minutes or so.

He has vanished again while I was looking around the highway. I am stuck alone here with no idea which way should I go. Should I go back to my house? No I will probably end up lost in these woods for the whole night. Sounds creepy. A loud honk of a car horn captures my attention and I face the highway. My eyes fall on a shiny sleek black car, parked in front of me, that looks classy in contrast to my messy appearance. And there at the driver seat is Mr. Intense looking all posh and smirking at my reaction. He motions for me to come over and I oblige. He invites me into the car's passenger seat and I hesitantly climb in. "Buckle yourself. We are up for a ride.", He speaks as he grabs the steering wheel. And he puts the engine in ignition. He gets on the highway and drives too fast for my liking but I can't complain anyway, can I?

My stomach churns at the thought of where can he be taking me. "Where are-", and I am interrupted with a cell phone ringing. He pulls out a black cell phone and receives it. It seems like everything that he owns is black.

"I got your little baby.", he speaks through it without even a hello. I look at him shocked at his choice of words. He looks back with an amusing smile. "Oh her. The lady is with me." He replies to the person on the call and I know now that this and not the previous statement is a reference to me.

He has been driving since the past half hour without a word. We both seem to be enjoying the silence fallen around us. I have my head on the glass of the window, eyes scanning the scenery passing us. While he keeps glancing at me once in every few minutes; I, on the other hand, keep avoiding the urge to look at him. "Alina, you can sleep if you want. It will take an hour before we reach the HQ." The husky voice has made a return. "Do you really think I can fall asleep after this extreme night I am having?" "Oh trust me, this night will seem like an ordinary night to you once you know what we are up against." Did he just say that! Does he like scaring me just for his own entertainment? He is totally sick! "Are you sadistic?" I spill out the words without thinking. "WHAT! what makes you think like that?", he asks me, bewildered by my question. "You certainly are having fun watching me so fearful and pale." "I saved your life and this is what I get!" and that's when I am left confused. "That guy, breaking into your house was sent to kill you. Fortunately I was on time to save you...", he trails off leaving my mouth hanging open as these words register in my mind. His jaw is clenched now and his grip tightens on the steering. I mentally blame myself for misunderstanding his intentions but still a part of me wonders if this is the truth. I feel for my ring and it is still on my finger.

Right now, all I wished for is this nonsense to be one of those lost nightmares. A nightmare which will gradually end and I would feel secure in the safety of my house. But alas! This is reality, much like a nightmare taken up to a new level. The reality and virtuality often clashed in my mind when I was young but I was doing much better unless he arrived. I still can't stop myself from wondering over the fact that someone wants me dead. I never had any sworn enemies, maybe few people disliked me but that doesn't give you a reason to kill people and neither did I ruin any life. Whatever the reason is, it is unknown to me yet.

"How do you like this car? I am sure, you were swooning in your mind over my Lamborghini. I saw you looking at it with wide eyes so don't deny." he mutters with a smug smile and I have a feeling that he is trying to take my mind off the killer and well, as far as I know he likes to show-off. And I thought he was the killer. How ironic. Wait a minute! "Your Lamborghini?" I am left gasping as I remember the pretty car, that was parked at my workplace, today. "You-" "Yes, the black wonder is very much mine. I wanted to meet you but you left too soon.", he interrupted me in his smooth accent. "You, madam are in a life threatening situation and I would be glad if you would just co-operate with me." "Excuse me Mr. Intense-" and he interrupts me again. "Well, that is a good name but I prefer my own. Mr. Styles, Mr. Harry Styles." And now presenting his very much famous smirk, indented with a dimple on his left cheek that I can wipe out of his face with a nice punch. "Hey Miss Daydreamer, you zoned out." And I am brought back to current situation where I am sitting in his Audi R8, with him beside me driving at high speed. I resume my position of staring out of the window and once again silence has fallen around us.


So here ends chapter 5. What do you think about it? Any suggestions or ideas, please share with me.

Actually I loved writing Harry showing off. That made me laugh. Tell me what is your favourite part in the book till now.

Vote and comments reader.



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