Chapter 32: Secret Traitor

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Chapter 32

Secret Traitor.

"So, what are you doing here, Jack?" Kevin asks him, emphasizing on his name. "Trying to find her." Jack explains himself and looks down in my eyes before adding in a whisper, "And I found her." I pull out of his hug and stare back at the two guys glaring at Jack. "Guys!" I try to break them up and it works because now all the three pairs of eyes are on me.

"I know how to get out of here." Jack speaks, attracting everyone's attention, saving me from the awkward situation I just landed myself into. Just the same, always there for me, Jack. "How did you get in?" Harry asks him, glaring at him in suspicion. "There is no time to explain, lets leave now." He replies in a desperate tone. He beckons us to follow him as he leads us cautiously.

How did he find us, is still the big question in my head but I am touched by his decision and action that he has taken to find me out. "I will go get the professor." Jack tells us and Harry stops him. "How do you know?" He questions Jack, his interrogating tone back in his voice. "Later." Jack whispers and disappears into the long hallway, warning us to stay here but I have different plans. "Kevin, I need your help! The virus, I need to corrupt the systems." I whisper in a rush, pulling on his arm. "Drop it, Alina. Now is not the time." Harry stops me, a worried look crossing his eyes. "I will be fine." I assure him and leave for the lab with Kevin and Harry covers for us. He won't let me go alone, will he?

"I will stay down here, you guys get to work and just hurry up." He instructs and hides behind the corner. Kevin heads towards the mainframe and I head over to my computer. "Send it on the mainframe and just leave it to me." Kevin whispers and I nod, compiling the code files into one executable one. When the file is ready, I send it on the mainframe and after receiving the confirmation from Kevin, I corrupt my very on computer and it seems to be working. All the data starts getting wiped out and the computer is clean, just like a brand new one. The only difference is, a new computer doesn't corrupt system files. Say bye to the hard drive of your system, Tim. An evil smirk appears on my face and I have an urge to laugh at Tim's face. Stop turning yourself into a villain like them, my inner voice scolds me.

Living with these monsters is transforming me into one! God, save me. When my computer is all corrupted, I force it to shut down because I don't have time to wait for it to restart. Kevin calls for my help and I abandon the high platform like area and skip towards the lower lab.

I join Kevin's side in starting up all the computers so that the virus spreads throughout the network. And as they connect to the mainframe, the virus starts working on them. Soon, we shut them off and Harry tells us to hurry. We rush out of the lab and meet Jack halfway with the professor by his side. He leads us out through a short passage when my eyes rest on a door that reads Tim's cabin.

I act on my instinct and get to the rear of our escaping group. I need to know how is he getting the information from Forbidden Technologies and how is he getting his work done from inside the department. Sure must be an insider.

I separate from the group and slip into the cabin, fortunately its unlocked. There is a computer and it might have details of his communications. I need to know who is the person in the staff that is cheating the company. The virus has not affected this computer since its not on network. That should be fine. I open the emails and try to find out any suspicious ones. Lucky for me, his mail is signed in but it seems to be useless bow because not a single name seems familiar.

A weird username catches my eyes suddenly when I look through the trash list. FTracker. God knows who is this dumb person to set up such a username. I keep checking the door behind me, hoping that I don't get caught. I go through the recent mail from the suspicious user and it has some secretive message.

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