Chapter 3: The handbag

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Chapter 3

The handbag.

"I mean no harm to you unless you try to run or scream. I will let go if you promise to keep calm and sit quietly.", he speaks in a husky voice that sounds dead serious to me. I try my best to nod at him without freaking out. His hand slowly lets go of my mouth and I catch my breath. My chest is heaving due to his heavy weight nearly crushing me beneath him. When he seems assured of me staying calm, he slowly gets off me and sits on the bed besides me. I quickly get up and shift to the corner of my bed to get as far away from him as I can. He takes no notice of my actions and seems to relax while losing his tensed look. He simply doesn't care, maybe because he knows that I won't even make an attempt to run from him after knowing his quick reflexes.

I slowly lean to my side and flick on the lamp besides my bed, making his dark features come to light. The dim yellow light from the lamp makes his eyes seem emerald green. He looks out of the window again reassuring himself of something that I am unaware of. His curly hair, slightly dishevelled, are pushed back on his head. His face potrays a hint of mischievousness that is hidden under a mask of anger. As he loses his anger slowly, he looks a bit younger and friendly but his body tells me a different story. He is well built and is really tall but it is those biceps straining under his short sleeves that gives him a deadly look. He abruptly leaves the bed, breaking my train of thoughts and turns around with his pinning stare focused on me. I am startled with his swift actions and I need to know the reason of that stare but I am tongue-tied at the moment.

"Please tell me who are you?" I manage to ask him in a shaky voice laced with fear. I wait for that husky voice of his to reach my ears but no answers escapes his mouth. He just keeps looking down at me. The only answer my mind can come up to my own question is that he is one of the most wanted criminal on an escape mission. But the main question right now that is eating me alive is, will he make me a hostage or is he just hiding here until the coast is clear? What if he kills me before leaving, thus clearing any eye witness or evidence? My mind starts making a count of all the possible ways he can torture or kill me. I shudder in pure fear that is now spreading through my veins.

"Where is your handbag?" he finally replies to me but with a question, maintaining a straight face. I nearly jump back on hearing his voice. My face scrunches up in confusion as my mind processes hard on his words. I think I can escape this. "I will give you all the money I have but please leave me alone." I beg him feeling absolutely pathetic for being so weak. I rush to my closet and pull out my bag and before I can get the money out, it is snatched from my grasp. I stumble backwards, hitting my back against the closet door, with a feeling of terror. He rummages through it in a frenzy. And my bag gets thrown back besides me. He runs his hand through his hair in frustration and looks at me with a threatening stare. "Where is it?", he nearly growls at me. "Where is what?", I fire back in a confused tone. He looks around and speaks more calmly or rather makes an effort for it to sound calm. "Look, that day you ran into me at the cafe entrance. I just need the contents of that day from your bag. Did you find something unusual?" And again this man here has got my eyesbrows scrunched up in confusion when the memory of the past day flashes before my eyes and I find myself gazing into similar green eyes. A simple memory that suddenly held importance now.


Another chapter posted. Tell me what do you guys think about this one. Any suggestions or ideas?

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