Chapter 29: Surprise

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Chapter 29


I am suspended midway in the air with the ropes tugging at my waist, my breathing is in a forced controlled rhythm and I am awaiting Harry's instruction. "Are you parallel to the computer or should I lower you down?" Harry's voice mumbles in my earpiece and being in a sound sensitive area, I can't even whisper. I tug once indicating the need to be lowered down by just an inch. He obliges and slowly, loosen the rope, just enough to let me see the screen comfortably.

The computer screen is on screen saver mode and as soon as I get to the return screen, it asks me for a password. Now here comes the tricky part, I don't have time to put in my guesses and its risky. I wave at the security camera knowing Kevin will look at me and I gesture for him to zoom in. "Are you trying to tell me something?" Kevin questions me and I point to the screen. "Oh! So you need the password." I call for his attention once more through the cameras and point towards the keyboard. "W-What is on the keyboard?" I make him follow a series of characters from the keyboard by pointing at them with my now shaky finger.

"A...W...M...I...P... Okay. So these are the letters you were pointing to?" Kevin murmurs in my earpiece and I nod slightly. My limbs are going numb since I have been in this position for too long. Kevin starts listing various anagrams that can serve as password but not a single word makes sense and suddenly he is interrupted by Harry's voice. "Try AWMI6PP as the password." His strained voice suggests me, he must be exhausted supporting my weight for so long. Have to do this quick. It is a dreadful moment when I have entered the password and all that is needed to be done is press the enter key. I breathe in and close my eyes, praying for the password to be the right one and press the key.

"The password worked!" Kevin rejoices and Harry shuts him up with a growl. The CD is immediately in my hand, extracted from my waist pouch and I start transferring the software setup and it's related files in it. If the setup is not available, how will they steal it!

Soon after few minutes, that feels like years, the software files are on the disc. I start installing the firewall, shouldn't take much longer. "Alina, you might want to work faster. Alfred is on his way back." Kevin warns me and I am frozen. As the seconds are passing, my heart rate is picking up. The temperature has reached 90 degree fahrenheit in my watch since the beads of sweat are crowding on my forehead. The firewall is installed but I need to check the settings and that will need a few minutes. "C'mon Alina." Kevin chants in my ears and that is when I have a strong urge to smack him on his head.

The system is finally secure, the virus cannot activate here directly. It will need authorization and then they will know that its an intrusive attack and can be stopped before harm. "Alina, he is in the elevator." I rush through the logs and delete the actions performed by me on the computer, leaving no hint of my access. I get back my CD and switch the mainframe back to screen saver mode. "Alina, he is at the door." I tug the rope twice signalling Harry to pull me back up. My heart is now thumping against my ribcage but I am trying my best to keep myself calm, which is not working now.

His hands are working faster than before, making use of his total strength. "Alfred is on a call." Kevin's voice brings a bit of relief and Harry continues to pull me up.

There is some instability and suddenly I am falling down on the floor of the room. No!

I am suddenly halted midair, a feet above the floor. Phew. That was close. Goodness Harry, trying to give me a heart attack, here. A drop of sweat trickle downs my face and before it can hit the pressure sensitive floor, I collect it in the palm of my hand.

Finally, I am just at the opening, getting through it when the door opens. Oh no! I hurry inside the vent and Harry attaches back the lid, removes the device and the laser security is back at guarding it. The moment Alfred looks up at the ceiling, we are crawling back from where we came and all I can remember is, him shrugging and getting back to his work.

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