Chapter 40: Realisation

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Chapter 40


Sometimes, things appear totally different than what they actually are. A scar inflicts pain but it shows you how strong you can be, just like this near death experience showed me how strong I can be. I have managed to pull my eyelids open just a little after I feel wet cheeks on mine. The curly haired man pulls away quickly, as if caught in an act he shouldn't be doing. His emerald orbs glistening with the tears that have not yet made it out of those eyes while the others have streamed down his cheeks, making them wet.

He leans down to press a kiss to my forehead and holds me close for his dear life. Right now, he seems more vulnerable than I might look. He appears to be shattering under an unknown pressure but he refuses to let his face say so, even when his eyes are telling the truth. His jaw is set just like always; his eyebrows knitted at the centre, just above the bridge of his nose and his forehead creased with thick lines. My hands arms feel numb and refuse to move but if I could only move them, I would be hugging him back.

"You kissed her." A silent whisper catches my attention as I look for the owner of that voice. Kevin is staring at Harry with an awestruck expression etched on his face. And before any other words could be exchanged, the paramedics rush inside the narrow passageway, hauling me over the stretcher and carrying me out of the most worst place ever. But the only words that are being repeated in my mind are Kevin's. 'You kissed her.' Harry kissed me. Is that what pulled me out of my untimely death? Was it his warmth that kept me from losing myself? 'You kissed her.'

My eyes are almost closed and I keep slipping in and out of consciousness as they put me in an ambulance. "Her pulse is unstable." I hear one of them yell and various types of instructions are being thrown here and there. They are working on me but I can't feel a thing except a needle piercing my arm. I feel a hand slip into mine and I squeeze it once, my hold loosening gradually as I am drowning in the exhaustion that I kept at bay all this time. I manage to get one last look at the person who is holding my hand with this blurry vision before blacking out into a world of dark and grey. It was a sadly smiling Kevin.

Three Days Later...

I am walking through a deadly forest as the midnight lowers its navy blue curtains dotted with tiny specs of twinkling stars. It is a moonless night and I continue to snap twigs and crunch leaves underneath my feet with my shaky steps. I am startled by the owl hooting on the branch above me which leads me to stumble back into a hard muscular chest. Oh no! Not again. He pulls me close and ducks down with me still in his hold as a gun fires sending a bullet in the tree trunk, at the same place where my head was moments ago.

This leads my heart to pound against my ears, jumping in my chest with fear. The man, my savior begins to run, pulling me with him and soon we are on a clean concrete road, seems like a highway. The man's face still a mystery to me but the curiosity is something that is beyond my control. I turn him around abruptly and the moment I see his face, those similar features, those similar determined expressions, a gasp escapes my mouth.

Suddenly, a series of pictures begins to flash before my eyes. The same man saving me from an arrow being hit in the tree. The same man pulling my hand as I slip off the edge of the cliff. The same man pulling me out of the dark waters of the lake of death. Its was him, all this time. It was indeed him and no one else. The mysterious man who had suddenly invaded every nightmare of mine and saved me the misery of waking up screaming and crying. It was none other than my real savior, Harry.

I never noticed before or rather chose to ignore the fact that how there always had been a mysterious entity, saving me from all the disasters since Harry appeared in my life. But now that I have finally put the two and two together, the result has been a bright picture of his emerald eyes looking at me.

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