Chapter 31: The Rattling Door

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Chapter 31

The Rattling Door.

I have found the weak spots in their system and soon, my virus will be ready to corrupt their own systems. I am working on the computer when suddenly, my eyes falls on a familiar looking pattern on the side of the table. A small logo that seems like two alphabet combined together and if my guess is right then its an T written over an F. I surely have seen it somewhere, just need to remember it. This means I am working for a company and this logo reminds me of only one company, the only one where I have worked before.

Forbidden Technologies.

It started all from the same firm and I will make sure it ends in the same firm. It has misused my talent a lot. Its time I get my revenge back, Tim. So he was the one who was exploiting his employees and interns back there, but who is helping him out? There is someone in the agency trading information with Tim.

I meet up with Harry and Kevin at lunch. The professor is not with me today but they say they have given him some important work. Harry tells me about the whole vent system, that he has traced in all the time since the morning. It can definitely lead us all out of this place but he is unsure of the security placed on the outer boundaries. I have feeling that he will find the information about that part too.

I take this opportunity to slip out my recent discovery to both of them in low whispers, so as not catch the attention of these loser guards. Kevin's eyes widen and he is filled with anger in just a matter of second. "Calm down, Kevin." I whisper, placing my hand on his shoulder. He closes his eyes, opening them only when he is fine, able to control his rage. "They have already used us way too much, but this time, I have to teach them a proper lesson." Kevin spits out through his gritted teeth. "Don't worry Kevin, I am on it. I will infect their whole system with such a virus that they won't ever think of making another one." My words make Harry chuckle and this surprises me but I smile back, happy to see him like this.

"How am I supposed to work on this troublesome, useless machine if it keeps losing power!" I throw tantrums, making John mutter curses under his breath. Its easy to mess up the machines here, the switches are near my table. As John goes to check the main switch that is farther away, I manage to look through the whole network details that will help me spread the virus. I catch a glimpse of John arriving and pretend that my computer just started up. "You have given me a crazy machine, switching on and off on its own." I am getting on John's nerves and I am liking it.

The professor arrives back when I have just finished most part of the virus. "Alina, you need to hurry up. They are not happy with the time you are taking." Why is professor so scared of these guys? Did they torture him? Whatever is the case, I will get him out of here, some place safe. "Professor, don't worry. Everything will be fine, soon." I assure him in a calm tone.

After the dinner, we are as usual thrown back to our stingy room. "Now listen, Alina, how much more time?" Harry enquires with the determined look back on his face, his eyebrows knit into one and his eyes, staring back intensely. "I really don't know. It is almost done but not completed." I reply feeling slightly hesitant. "Can it corrupt the system enough to shut down the security systems?" "Guess so." I am really unsure about my work now. "Okay. If I run it now, what will happen?" "It will eat the whole system files and data files, in short the whole system, but I will have to manually send it to every system including the mainframe." I explain him.

"Brilliant!" Kevin exclaims with a look of sheer joy in his face. "The outside boundaries have only a few guards, can be taken down by us. So tomorrow morning, we escape. Be ready, Alina." Harry continues. "But what about the professor? I need to get him out too." "Then keep him ready too." Harry says with a twinkle in his emerald eyes.

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