Chapter 28: The Intruders

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Chapter 28

The Intruders.

"Hey old man! How you doing?" Kevin greets Samuel and shakes his hand, warmly. "Who you calling old, kiddo?" Samuel replies giving a hearty laugh and punching Kevin's shoulder, playfully. Harry appears in the garage where we all were waiting for him. A medium sized van is parked in one corner and Harry gestures towards it. So this will be Kevin's and Harry's ride to the agency.

He is loading all the things from R8 to this new rented one. "Kevin! Stop fooling around and set up your computer and stuff." "Yeah. Right at it." He leaves me and Samuel, to get to the work.

"So, you ready Dr. Rose Walter, to join MI6?" Samuel questions me, a smug smile on his wrinkled face. "I guess." I give him a hesitant smile, wondering about my new name for the mission. "Don't worry love, its going to be alright." He assures me and starts walking towards his own car with me following him.

When everything is ready, Harry gives us a thumbs up and Samuel puts the car in ignition. Harry and Kevin are to follow us. Soon, Samuel parks the car after his identification process and registering me as a guest visitor. We walk through the glass double doors and many people that I don't recognize greet Samuel.

"Hey Grayson, got a company?" A cold voice calls out to Samuel. "I think, you can see much clearly than me." Samuel replies with a hint of sarcasm, underlying his polite tone. "Always joking around, old man." The man with the cold voice laughs humourlessly. "And this old man can see better than you now, David." Samuel hits back and I stifle my laugh on seeing David's sneering face. Oh! So this is the David, Harry and Kevin had told me about. On remembering that he is Daniel's chief, I suddenly feel pure rage towards him.

Samuel walks me to the cafeteria and we settle down on a table. "Be alert here, that David man is worse than he seemed." Samuel whispers and I laugh, recollecting the similar words Harry once spoke regarding Daniel. "So, would you like to work for our system?" He talks in more of an announcing way to keep people's suspicion away from me. "I would like to see your system designs, if that is okay?" I play my part and we keep the conversation going.

I am scanning through the people with my eyes to find the man, Harry showed me a photograph of. A small red dot blinks once on the edge of my glasses and suddenly, a name appears on each face I see with my eyes. I pull away the glasses, shocked by the unexpected thing it did. Samuel smiles and I realise that he already knows. I put on the glasses again and as I watch every person, I read their name popping on their heads on my special spectacles.

'Alfred Williams. Special staff, MI6.' My helpful device displays the required information. Finally found you, Alfred. His black hair with the typical nerdy face with freckles on his pale skin is unmissable. A small dot keeps popping on him on my glasses and I stare at it for a few seconds. A small information panel opens up in front of my right eye. 'Administration head, lower level.' He is the one. I get up from my seat and walk to the coffee machine, just in time to stand behind Alfred. I pull out a disposable cup while he pours coffee in his own cup, from the vending machine.

"Can I help you?" Alfred says with a smile on his face as I pretend to be confused on using the machine. "Uhm... Sure." "Here, hold this." And he hands me his own cup of coffee and I quickly dip the small tablet given to me by Harry. It dissolves away in his coffee, just in time as he turns around with a cup full in his hand. "Here you go." And we exchange the coffee cups in our hands. "Thank you." I reply in a polite tone, walking back to the table. That was easy. I see him settling down on a chair. Go on, drink it. But he gets a call and he rests the cup on the table. C'mon!

"He will drink it for sure, don't worry." Samuel assures me. And the next moment I turn back to Alfred, he takes his first sip. He has to finish it up and this is going to take long if he will be drinking at this pace. God! After ten minutes of his talking on calls, he finishes his coffee and leaves the cafeteria.

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