Chapter 17: Phobia

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Chapter 17


*The sun is setting on the horizon as I tie up the laces of my shoes. I can go up to the hill by myself, if my dad can't take me there. It has been weeks since he promised to accompany me on our usual trip to the Trek Mountain, or so I and dad call it. He gets busier day by day and always ends up cancelling the trip. Mum, too, is staying at grandma's place, taking care of grandpa who is doing well now. But the point is I am alone and I won't let this day go waste. I wipe my tear stained cheeks and set out with my small backpack to the small hill covered in green patches. Even though its tiring, I love it!

I have been walking long through the woods but I still can't find the base camp, where lies the foot of the hill. I am probably lost as the dark curtains of the night has fallen with the passing time. I try to retrace my steps back but I don't seem to remember which way did I come from. Panic fills me but I still take one of the trails that may lead me back. I keep walking, crunching leaves beneath my feet and keeping an eye everywhere. The sounds of crickets singing and owls hooting surrounds me, making my heartbeat faster. My breathing is rising from the fear that is now slowly settling inside me. A small yellow glow catches my eye and I know it at once that its the campfire. That's it! The base camp. I rush towards the fire, a ray of hope building inside me. A silhouette appears to be lingering near a tent and I make my way towards it. "Excuse me." The words comes out in a gasp as I catch my breath, immediately gaining the attention of the tall man standing in front of me. "Who are you, dear?" The man asks me in a fatherly tone with a concern-filled glance. "I am Aly, I lost my way. Can you take me back home please?" He looks around and nods at once. He tells me to wait and moves inside his tent. I stand their in silence looking at the same tent and I see him come out with one more person. Both tall and strong built men start nearing me with a rope in one's hand. No. This can't be good. My budding hope crashes right down to my stomach, giving me an uneasy feeling. I turn my back to them and my legs start kicking the ground as I sprint through the thickly covered trees. The branches hanging lowly, bruising my arms and small prickly bushes scratching my ankles, making it difficult to run. The tall men are gaining on me with less distance left between us. "Stop Aly dear. It won't hurt..." Comes the words from one of them, sounding more nearer. My heart is now pounding in my head, my legs throbbing in pain and I am losing my breath. I trip over my own feet, landing straight on the ground. I scramble trying to get back on my feet without any success. Blame my shaky legs. I am trembling from head to toe and even if I stand up now, I won't be able to out run them. They halt in front of me, casting shadows over me in the moonlight. As they catch their breath, they slowly step forward in an attempt to corner me against the tree behind me. I am still trying to find a way out. I won't let them get to me so easily! But what am I supposed to do? I can feel the finality of the situation, hitting me right into my heart that there is no way out. The uneasy feeling has now intensified combining with panic and fear flooding in my veins. Tears pickle at the corners of my eyes and I am suddenly short of the strength I felt before. Both of them, approaching me with their sly grins, pulling out the rope. It gives me a nasty feeling, draining the color out of my face. No. "Please stop!" I plead desperately. And all that is heard is the ringing laughter of the men, making my insides clench in fear. "Please stop...", the man I asked for help mocks me. "She is pleading Henry!", mutters the other man with fake concern and they roar with their cruel laughter again. I can feel the burning sensation on my wrists and ankles as they tie me to the tree. Its all my fault. I should have never left the safety of the house all alone. Now all I can do is cry and expect the worse to happen. Suddenly, a silver glint grabs my attention and I know what it is at once. One of them, whom I guess to be Henry, is clutching the sharp knife, too tightly in his hand. Its twists my heart in pain and I know what is coming next. Dad's words from the morning encounter fills my head: 'I can't take you there Aly but we will find another day. Stay safe at home and don't go wandering alone. I will see you tonight.' I regret not obeying my dad now. I won't see him or my mum again. I wince as the digusting man, who once appeared fatherly to me, touches the tip of sharp knife to my cheek, slowly. "It won't hurt much." He speaks in a sickly sweet voice, as I look at him in pure disgust. Their merciless laugh ringing along with the wicked faces gleaming by the moonlit sky raises my pulse in horror. My head begins to spin and before I know it, everything around me blacks out.*

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