Chapter 43: Second Chances

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Chapter 43

Second Chances.

"Lie. You are a liar and you too, Alina!" Jack yells, pushing me away from him as he stands abruptly, his height towering over my sprawled figure. "No one is going to help me. Its all your plan." His rough voice is shaky as he utters those words, his eyes alternating between us, wildly. "No one wants to hurt you, Jack." I try to calm him down with my quiet words but he just shakes his head vigorously. "Don't try to make me believe your lies again." He warns me, pointing his shaky finger at me with his eyes red in anger.

"Everyone wants to hurt me, they will lock me up in the agency for my whole life!" He keeps mumbling words to himself, keeping a safe distance from us with fear clear on his face. I find Harry sneaking up on him but I am not sure if I should let him or not, I don't want Jack provoked to do anything harmful.

Jack turns around unexpectedly, catching Harry off guard. This only gets him worse as he starts attacking Harry. Knowing the situation very well, Harry seems to be only dodging his punches and not attacking Jack in return. But finally Harry lands a hard punch on his head making Jack stagger back and land on the floor as he faints, due to the impact.

"That was the only way." He explains to my gasping and shocked face. "Now, we can take him to-" "Please don't take him to the agency, Harry. They will label him as a criminal and I don't want that to happen. He can change, we need to help him." My eyes plead his eyes, hoping to get what I asked for. "I want him to start his life afresh, give him a second chance." Harry seems to be considering my words when I am reminded of his life story and I, now know what is to be said. "You got a second chance too..." My voice trailed off, waiting for his reaction which is taking too long to appear on his face.

His eyes are suddenly unfocused and he seems to be reliving a far away memory from his past. His face is drained of the seriousness that once was filled in every feature of his, only to be replaced by an innocent look. The moment I place my hand on his shoulder, he is brought back reality and his eyes stare intently in mine. "Let me take him before anyone arrives. You stay here." "But I want to help you-" "No! Alina, please don't fight over this. Right now, I need to get him out as soon as possible and I can't take any risk with you." The light begins to flicker and blacks out again. "I am taking him and you promise me that you will stay right in this room." Harry says while pulling Jack to his feet and supporting his figure. I nod, not wanting to make it difficult for him.

Harry is soon out of the door and I lean on my bed, supporting myself as I pray for them to escape safely. The lights continue to flicker, leaving short moments of darkness in between the intervals. His words continue to repeat in my mind, his troubled expressions and the panic in his eyes almost gave him an innocence that I never thought existed in him before.

I am lost in my thoughts, leaning against my bed for support when the door opens and a nurse ushers in and I realise the room is normally illuminated, all the flickering and blinking is gone. "I am sorry for the inconvenience, there was an unexpected technical fault in the system. Are you alright?" I look at her and nod in response when I am back in the reality of this world. "Buzz that if you need anything." She says pointing back at the small buzzer and with those instructions, she is gone.

I keep waiting for Harry to arrive, clear up my doubts and let me know that both of them are safe. But its all empty, all lonely with the vacant cushioned chair staring back at me. If only things were fine, Harry would still be filling that chair. But things happen for a reason; if Jack wouldn't have turned up, he would have never received help from Harry and God knows, what would he have done to himself.

The thought of Kevin strikes my mind and I am reminded about his hearing. I know his name will be cleared, he is not a rogue and no one can prove that with Daniel's statement and Harry.. Wait, Harry was supposed to be at the hearing! Anxiety fills me as I try to think of something, a way to inform him.. rather remind him. This Jack episode got him involved and now, he will miss Kevin's hearing. If Harry can't go, I will go and testify for him. After all, I am the one he was doing all this for and its a way to repay him.

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