Chapter 34: All The Wrongs

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Chapter 34

All The Wrongs.

I have a faint memory of what happened last time I was conscious or partially conscious. I remember more of the chaos than the actual scene, the guys saving me and Jack driving me. I have no clue what occured after that, probably lost my consciousness or slept? The scene I have woken upto is neither any help to the condition I am in. Its a dark room, not a room exactly, a cell. Yes, a dark cell which reminds me, that my previous stay was in a dark place too. Why do they keep me in dark places all the time?

Jack is nowhere to be seen (well I can't actually see in this amount of darkness) or heard. I call out for him in my raspy voice, thanks to my dry throat that has a burning sensation. I need a glass of water, badly. The cellar is cold and I am still covered in sweat that makes me feel icky.

I look around the dark cellar walls and the area appears quite small with me strewn on the floor. I get up with a dizzying feeling but I catch myself before I can land back on the floor. This feeling is not going to leave me soon, is it? I walk towards the slight source of a light and suddenly, I hear some shuffling noise followed by the sound of the footsteps.

I rush back to the place I woke up at and lie back on the floor, pretending to be unconscious. What if I am caught again and this is one of their secret places to keep me? Jack is nowhere to be seen can only mean that nothing's right.

"Alina? Are you awake?" Jack's scared voice echoes from outside of the cellar. I get up at once and walk towards his voice with hurried steps. He catches hold of my arm and pulls me in a warm hug, so tightly like he is scared that I might disappear again.

"Where are we?" I ask him, pulling out of his hold. "A safe place." He answers and walks away towards the door with me following him. I don't want to be left alone after what happened. "Al, stay here. I will be back." Jack squeezes my shoulder in a comforting manner but I shake my head in disagreement. "I don't want to be alone." My voice barely above a whisper. "Its dangerous out there." He warns me but I stand my ground, not ready to let him go. "I said stay here!" His cold voice, booms in the silent cellar, startling me. Disappointment fills me and I take a step back, shocked by his sudden outburst.

I walk back to the same spot I found myself at when I woke up, sit on the floor, pulling my knees closer and hugging them. He sighs, running his hand through his hair in frustration. "I am sorry. You know I want you to be safe. Please." He pleads me, crouching down in front of me. I just nod, he is some damn officer and not my friend now. I get it, that was all an act. At least Kevin was better in his pretense with no hurt and pain in return.

Jack leaves me all alone in the same dark cellar that I so badly wanted to escape from. I feel tears brimming up in my eyes, without a reason, just like that. No, I am not going to sit to here and cry over things, waiting for someone to come. I am not going to be the damsel in distress anymore, enough is enough. Everyone has been treating me like some material, like some shiny object that every kid suddenly wants.

I walk towards the way Jack came from and the cellar door is unlocked, leading to a long dark hallway, more like a tunnel. I keep walking cautiously, a slight source of light guiding my steps. A faint sound of an argument catches my attention, mostly like Jack arguing with someone.

I follow the conversing sounds and the voices are starting to get clearer, so clear that I can tell the voices belong to Jack and the professor. I know it will only get Jack's temper high if he finds me here so I hide beside the pillar on the wall. There two doors and the voices are coming from one adjacent to the pillar.

"But I can't force her. I need to be gentle with her, she has been through some trauma already." Jack roars with anger, his voice bouncing back from the stone walls. Its scares me again, reminding me of the event that happened back in the cellar. "That is your problem, kid." Professor Saunders replies in an arrogant tone. "Fine." Jack replies through his gritted teeth, I can hear it in his voice. He adds something more in his low deadly voice that I can't make out but I can totally imagine the cold sneer that could be covering his face, right now.

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