Chapter 44: Home Sweet Home

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Chapter 44

Home Sweet Home.

"Did you really ask him about giving Jack a second chance?" Kevin asks me, flabbergasted by my decision and well, who can blame him after all the fiasco he created. I just nod in response, unable to make a protest against his astonished face. "Okay, I know what he did is not something forgivable but that doesn't mean he doesn't deserve a second chance to change himself." I finally manage to explain him about my opinions and yet he seems upset about my decision. Truth be said, I still am surprised that I made such a decision but when I rethink about, it seems like the right thing to be done.

"Wha-" "No, just don't. No more talks on this issue." I interrupt him before he can comment anything more about this whole situation. Kevin is, as it seems, unhappy with me since he came back from the hearing and as I knew it, he has been cleared of all the charges. But there is still no reason to celebrate, Harry has yet to report back and there has been no response from him. No calls, no messages and no signs. Not in the agency, not here and not even Samuel knows what this man is upto and where he is!

"Originally, it was Harry who wanted to help you out but I guess, Kevin will do the needful. I have signed your discharge papers and all document work is done." Samuel informs me as he is done with his morning tea. He arrived along with Kevin this morning and yet, there has been no contact from Harry, as much as Samuel knows. "Thank you, Mr. Grayson." I express my gratitude with a genuine smile. He really is a like a father figure to me and he has helped me a lot. At least, I can thank him for making so many arrangements for my safety. "Samuel will do." He says with a smile of his own as he leaves the chair, ready to leave me alone.

"Alina, I got these clothes for you. Can you change or should I call a nurse for-" "Na, I am fine. Just give me the bag." I interrupt Kevin and get into the bathroom to change into the pair of jeans and a soft loose t-shirt he bought for me. Finally, out of those ill-fitted patient uniforms; I feel better already. "So, ready to leave?" Kevin asks me as I walk out of the bathroom, pulling my hair in a ponytail and suddenly, a memory flashes before my eyes. Not a far away one but a memory of the previous day, when Harry decided to be my hair dresser and I smile, unknowingly.

"Oi! What are you smiling for?" I am brought back to reality by kevin's voice and I find him waving his hand in front of my eyes. "Nothing." I say, shaking my head to keep my head clear of Harry for a while but it is hardly going to work. "No one smiles creepily for nothing." He says, looking at me strangely and I roll my eyes, giving his shoulder a slight shove before gesturing him to lead me out.

He drives silently through the streets and turns the radio on to ward off this unwanted silence. Its been a while since I had a car ride and now, I feel safe. A happy feeling slowly growing in the pit of my stomach but there is this vacant space, an emptiness that refuses to leave me. Is it because Harry is missing and I will no longer be able to meet him? I never thought it would be a goodbye too soon; never once had a thought about what will happen once this all is over.

"We still have 45 minutes more before we reach your home. It has been secured but there is this news that I had to reveal to you, should have revealed earlier than this.." Kevin informs me while driving on the crowded streets; I just realised, we are back in the city of London. "What is it?" My curiosity gets the best of me as I have a feeling that it has something to do with Harry and Jack. "You need to move to a different house. This one will not be safe now."

I was ready to handle worst news about Harry and Jack.. Or maybe, I wasn't but this is totally unexpected and uncalled for. "Though, you are a special case, they have put you under a witness protection program instead of victim security program." I slowly digest all the information he is giving me and none of them appears good to me. "What do they do in this program?" I place my question, hesitatingly and he answers me with equal hesitation. "Well, they will give you a makeover, change your looks and stuff. Then, they will give you a new identity and relocate you to some safe area. They also give you new jobs or scholarships to complete any courses." This doesn't sound that bad, except changing my identity. This is not something I am ready for and I will ever be.

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