Chapter 42: Just Like Her

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Chapter 42

Just Like Her.

Harry was right and I was being paranoid about the hallucination thing. I had a pretty decent sleep compared to my usual nightmare filled one. Its late afternoon and I have missed my lunch, so he has gone to get me something to eat. And the most sad thing is I am not being discharged until tomorrow; they have their series of test reports to arrive until they can declare me fit. Well, one more day and then I will be free, free of all the closed space, free from restrictions and free to do anything that I want.

Harry is back with some fruits that he places in front of me, nudging the plate filled with apples, strawberries and kiwis towards me. Well, this is more than I can ask for. I thank him and start nibbling on the apple as he feeds himself, joining me in a silent lunch.

"You were right." Harry looks at me, his left eyebrow raised in puzzlement. "About the meds, I mean I just freaked out seeing that syringe-" "I know." He responds, carrying on with his eating and nodding at the same time. "And I am sorry, I thought you betrayed me..." I trail off, waiting for his reaction which I am totally scared off. "It happens, its not your fault that things appear wrong to you. After all that happened with you..." "Are you okay?" I ask him, placing my hand on his to show some concern. He has been through a lot too. He sounds quiet than usual and his expressions are blank; staying with him this long I can at least point out if he is fine or not.

He laughs in an amusing manner, shaking his head with his narrowed eyes, crinkling at the corners as his lips have stretched into a smile. "I should be the one asking you that. You are really thinking about me instead of yourself..." He trails off as his laughter continues to surround us. "Just like her.." He mumbles, finally after controlling himself and staring at the floor. "Why are you like this?" And I raise my eyebrows in question because his query didn't make any sense to me. "Why are you always so understanding, so concerned about others? Okay, sometimes you are a bit sassy and irritating but most of the times.. Ugh!" He stands up abruptly, walking away from me to stand near the window, looking down at the street below as his hands clench the window sill.

"You are so similar to Katherine, in ways that I can't describe." He finally lets out his thoughts, releasing his breath that maybe he was holding back. "You talk like her, you laugh like her, you don't try to run away from me when I scare you, you.. you even cry just like her that makes me want to comfort you, you understand me..." He slumps against the same window, his forehead leaning down on the glass pane and his eyes shut tight.

I want to say something that might give him answers, or maybe words that might comfort him but what he has just revealed has left me shocked too. I, myself am taken by surprise by this information and unfortunately, I have no justification to give and make him see that its just a coincidence or its his mind playing games. He actually sees Katherine in me and that night he saw her instead of me, Kevin was right about it. I am totally at a loss of words here, not knowing if I should comfort him or ask him more because I am suddenly curious and surprised, all at once.

He slowly straightens up from his vulnerable position only to settle down on my bed with his eyes staring at me intently. "And your eyes, just the same." He breathes out the words appearing lost in a trance. "You know why I agreed to take you as my assignment?" I shake my head to say no, not wanting to break his train of thoughts with my voice. "Because the first time I saw you, I saw Kathy. I feel that I am near to her when I am with you." He continues even when his eyes are closed, probably reliving a memory.

"I still remember what your profile read.

Name: Miss. Alina Russel.

Height: 5'4.

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