Chapter 22: Best Partners

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Chapter 22

Best Partners.

"Are you out of your very own mind, Alina?" Kevin bellows in anger, crossing the whole of the room in just two long strides, to stand in front of me. Giant. "Trust me. It will work." "This is not a sensible plan but rather a sure shot chance for the agency to catch us." "But we have to take the risk." I plead him, hoping for him to understand. "I am not putting you in any sort of danger." He turns away from me, and grips the chair's back. "They won't harm me, you said it yourself!" I defend myself but he doesn't seem to budge from his decision. Rather, he dismisses me with a waving hand, not looking back at me.

I collapse in the chair with a defeated expression on my face, as he leaves the room. This all began when I settled down with Kevin to explain him the plan of sneaking into the agency to install his almost ready firewall. It is not that high level security provider but good enough to hold the system together against the attack of the vicious virus. There has been yet no means to contact Harry. I am seriously doubting his arrival. Is he even alright? There are countless reasons to worry but not a single one to assure his well being.

"This tracker thing was blinking again." Kevin says as he enters back in the room. He had retrieved Harry's device few days ago from the car and all it does is twinkle with a red dot which when touched, displays 'home' or 'office'. Maybe that is the location of someone. Perhaps, today the case is different. When Kevin touches the red dot, it displays the word 'safe' after zooming into a particular area of the map. Does it locate Harry? I had no proofs or knowledge to confirm my theory. "Only Edward can tell us about this." He mutters, leaving the device on the table, near me.

I ask Kevin to take me out of this cave for fresh air. It suffocates me. Initially, he is reluctant to fulfill my plea but soon, he agrees and now I am waiting for him to come out of the room. What the hell is taking him so long? And here he comes, just when I was going to step inside the room, myself. My gaze catches a hint of black and then I see it. "Why do you need that?" I ask him, pointing to the gun in his hand as he is tucking it inside his jacket. "We have to be prepared, you never know..." He trails off, leaving the uncertain part for me to guess.

We trudge through same scary dark path. The loss of my vision in this pitch black natural tunnel, leaves me feeling vulnerable and thus my ears strain harder to listen for any suspicious noise. But every small sound is enough to startle me, in here.

Soon enough, the sunlight filters down on us, through the canopy of trees and climbers. This area resembles a dense forest, with an artificial residence for the people like the one beside me. I fill my lungs with as much of fresh air I can. The feeling of being trapped inside for days is washed away with the cool breeze blowing over the trees. The air has a chilly touch to it, like those during the winters. The dark clouds are swimming in the large sky, trying to hide the bright sun. The atmosphere mostly indicates of an upcoming shower.

I perch down on a log of wood, lying below a giant tree while Kevin circles the area like a prowling tiger. Is it only me or has he turned to a clone of Harry? If nothing, at least the anger is the same. "You are not planning to go back to the agency, are you?" He asks me softly, like he is scared of my answer. "I told you, there is no other option." "There is. We just have to look for it. And anyways, Edward's gonna arrive soon." Why does he have to end everything on his so called 'Edward'. If only he knew that he is not even Edward but Harry. "I don't think we should wait anymore. He is not coming."

The crunching of the twigs alarms me and Kevin. I get back on my feet as he pulls me behind him. He scans all around us and there is no sign of a single person. "Might be some small animal from around here." I whisper in his ear and he shakes his head in disagreement. "I think, they were following us. The agency." He whispers back over his shoulder, pulling out the loaded pistol and aiming it in front of him. Now, I feel that he was right about having a weapon. "Given up on me already, Miss. Russel?" Echoes his husky voice that I missed so much since the past week. He appears from our right, holding a similar gun in his hand. And like always, his brown curly locks are disheveled, his emerald green eyes gleaming and his face adorned with his famous smirk. A small smile creeps up on my face, unknowingly. "And what about you, Mr. Rogue Agent?" He turns to Kevin with a serious tone in his words, who has shoved his gun back inside and is much relaxed than before. "Edward! I knew you would arrive soon, mate." Kevin's voice, full of joy. He starts stepping forward to meet him but halts halfway as Harry speaks, "So you're the one who wants to destroy the agency, I see." Harry says playfully, rubbing his chin with his free hand in a way that indicates that he is wondering about something. "C'mon Edward, you know that was for the sake of-" "Oh yes! For sake of me and Alina. Quite perfectly planned by you." "What are you talking about?" Kevin asks in horror as the playfulness from Harry's face has disappeared all of a sudden.

"I wanted to help." "So you will endanger yourself along with us. Amazing." Harry yells at Kevin in a satirical tone. "Don't kill me." Kevin shouts, running to the other side in the small area of this clearing. "Give me one reason I should spare your life!" Harry yells running towards him. Guys. They are behaving like five year olds. "You were supposed to be my backup from the agency, my informer, my link. But you spoiled everything!" "Edward, stay back. I don't attack best partners." Kevin yelps, trying to stay out of his reach. "Best partners? I will kill you!" And that's when Harry tackles Kevin on the ground, fighting like some idiots from a high school. This is getting out of hand. They might start punching each other if I don't stop them.

"Oh stop it! You both." I shout, getting tired of their nonsense. "You guys are acting like a bunch of kids." This gets me attention from both of them. Their fighting actions halted halfway as they look at me, with wide eyes and heavy breaths. "Now get up and stop looking at me." I speak in an authoritative voice. "Yes, mom." Kevin mumbles, making Harry chuckle. I give Kevin my best death glare and this makes a look. This leads them both to end up in fits of laughter, leaving me staring at them, incredulously. Whatever said and done, I have never seen Harry this happy and carefree. He appears much younger, all the tension evaporated in the air but the melodious laugh of both the young men surrounds me, creating a warm feeling in me.

After they recovered themselves, I got back to my feet (being seated on the ground until they are done), we march back to the opening of the cave. This time, Harry walks behind me, keeping his grip tight on my hand. What is it with guys, holding hands in the cave?

"I am starving." Kevin says in a sing song manner. "So am I." follows Harry's voice. He seems unusually cheerful. Something must be definitely wrong or is he really happy after being united with his 'best partner'? I get back to work in the kitchen, making sandwiches for them. As soon as I place the dishes on the small coffee table in the living room, both of them rush towards the table. "Manners!" I yell, getting irritated by their childish behaviour. "Seriously guys, How old are you? seven, eight?" "23 years, 5 months and 2 days to be precise." says Kevin with a smug grin before stuffing the sandwich in his mouth. "22." Mumbles Harry. "You don't look 22." I say surprised by the knowledge. "Everyone says that about him." Kevin says with a chuckle. The way Harry goes around ordering Kevin, I thought Kevin must the younger one. I never knew, Harry was elder to me. He appears not more than 20 now. Strange. "I never knew I would say this but I am glad you are back, safe and sound." And I receive a knowing smile from Kevin.

"We need to leave." Harry mumbles, after feeling content as he takes his plate back to the kitchen. "That's what you say everytime." I complain, losing my joyful moment. "We have to. Sooner than later. I know the destination this time, Alina." He speaks seriously. How did he just come to know about my thoughts? Destination is one of my worries, true but still, that was never stated by me. He is surely more smart than he appears to be. Anyways, back to the old, grumpy Harry, again. Sigh.

But the only thing that matters now is that we have our Harry back. Things will be sorted soon, won't they?


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