Chapter 41: Happiness

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Chapter 41


Kevin walks back in my room after he has had his own breakfast and I am sitting on my bed, totally bored. Thankfully, the nurse allowed me to take a bath on my own, I would have kicked her out if she had interfered. I feel fresh, better than I have since weeks and being clean gives you a happy feeling. Its true!

I am running my fingers through my wet hair, untangling the knots in them when he takes a seat in front of me. "So, you asked them for a walk, outside?" I nod in response, not looking at him. "Well, your doc granted me the permission slip." He shows me a small yellow slip excitedly, lighting up my face with joy. Finally, something better to kill time.

I straighten my loose shirt and toss my hair back before getting out of my bed. This patient uniform doesn't seem to be of my size, the sleeves of the shirt itself are hanging down to my elbow. I dangle my legs down at the side of my bed and a tingling sensation fills the sole of my feet. This bed is higher than it seemed but before I could jump down, a rushing Kevin stops me.

"What do you think you are doing?" His stern authoritative voice questions me, as he stands in front of me. I shrug and he gives me his hands to take. "Now, slowly put all your weight on me and place your feet on the floor. Please don't jump down." I nod after rolling my eyes at him. The moment my feet touches the tiled floor, it feels cool and my legs feel a little wobbly. My grip on his hands tighten, realising the weakness in my legs. "See, I told you." He scolds me and walks backwards making me take baby steps. Gosh! A sleep this long really affects your whole body.

Kevin holds my hand as we walk towards the elevator and then there is a large glass door that opens to lead us out in the bright sun. As we turn a corner, a beautiful garden appears with many people and patients taking a walk, sitting and chatting. The green grass is inviting as I place my bare feet on them, ditching the slippers they gave me.

"Do you know, what exactly happened after you found me in that freezing cold?" I ask him after we have settled down on the grass after a small walk because its all hazy in my mind. Kevin nods and takes a deep breath before he tells me.

"Grayson arrived with backup and I had to wait in the hiding until the road was clear for me. I rushed in once Grayson gave me way and found Harry frantically searching for you. When we heard faint noises of banging, we rushed towards the sound and soon we found the door. Obviously, we had to break in which took a lot of time. You were so pale, almost blue, like that of the ice, it got me scared. If it wouldn't have been for your shivering, you were as good as an ice statue to me." Kevin stares down and continues. "However hard we tried, you were still freezing so we layed you outside that room and waited for the paramedics to arrive. I tried warming up your hands when my grip landed on your wrist and I realised that your pulse was falling."

He takes a sharp breath before adding further. "We both were scared, I think we might have been paler than you were. I had to do something so I rushed out to hurry the process leaving Harry with you. He was already shedding tears like a girl, I tell you." That pained me, knowing how they both suffered because of me, if only I had taken Harry with me in the first place. "When I reached the spot with the paramedics, Harry had kissed you and you finally opened your eyes partially. It was like life was injected in you. All the fairytale stuff, you see." He mumbles with a knowing smile, making me blush furiously.

"After they took you in the ambulance, we both hurried after you. Harry was screaming for you, was really painful to see him that way. He was hysterical when you disappeared from our sights and started yelling words that no one understood but after a moment, all of his words made sense to me. When Grayson had other medical team take care of him, I requested them to let me drive with you. And here you were, in medically induced coma so that you can heal quickly but you were supposed to wake up earlier. Well, you woke is important." He finishes off, finally looking up back at me.

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