Chapter 37

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Alright, you can do it, come on. Just pull it out and it's over. Sweat is trickling down my face, heat coursing through my body. Be a man, Louis.

I take a deep breath and open the oven, grabbing the tray with a freshly baked cake on it with my cooking gloves with a "fuck" written on one of them and "yeah" written on the other, pulling it out and placing it on the counter aside. I almost cry because it looks absolutely perfect and I actually made it.

"Look at it," I say as I take the gloves off, pretending to wipe away the non-existent tears from my face. "Look at my baby." 

"Alright congratulations, but you should really get out of our kitchen now. . ." one of the cooks says nervously, his hands lifted in the air, eyes filled with fear.

"Alex it's okay, you can put down the weapons now." I flick my wrist, watching as he lowers the gun and a huge butcher knife he's been holding pointed at the cooks, preventing them from meddling in my cooking.

No one interrupts me when I'm cooking. No one.

"Now be nice and tell him how great of a job he did," Alex tells them, but when they look at him nervously, he points the butcher knife at them. "How ironic would it be to hurt you with this cooking knife? Don't make me be ironic."

"You did a great job, Louis," the cooks all chorus quickly.

"Thank you, thank you I try." I bow down, a pleased smile on my face.

"Oh my God Louis, I can't believe you're keeping people hostage again," Tori says as she enters the mess hall kitchen, letting out an exasperated sigh. "Go on people, you're free now." She waves them off dismissively, shaking her head.

"You always do this, such a-"

"I dare you to finish that sentence," she tells me, looking me in the eye.

"Delightful person, totally not a party breaker," I mutter, a slight frown on my face.

"Soo when will I be able to try the cake?" Alex asks, completely ignoring us as he approaches the tray and takes a sniff, smiling greedily.

"Step away from the cake!" I order, making him jump back.

"Both of you step away from the kitchen and let those people cook us food, lunch will be late because of the two of you," Tori says. "And we all know what happens when hungry soldiers don't get their food."

"We run away from their wrath?" Alex suggests. "I have experience with running away from problems anyway."

"No, we laugh at them as we eat the cake, seriously it looks delicious." She nods in approval as she stares at it, making me smile.

"You know what else is delicious?" I ask with a smirk.

"Lou, I swear to God, if you mention anything that's attached below your waist, I'll hit you there," Alex warns me. "My innocent ears don't need to hear-"

"My dick," I deadpan.

"I highly disagree," Tori says flatly and walks toward the tray, observing the cake with interest.

Alex gasps loudly and covers his ears. "My innocence! It's ruined!" He then runs toward me, his fist flying toward my precious area, but my hand quickly stops him. He steps away in frustration, pointing a finger at me. "Just so you know, mentally I've hit it with a hammer. Twice."

I wince. "Harsh, bro."

"Wait, you didn't put anything in the cake again, did you?" Tori casts me a wary glance.

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