1 - MixedFeelings154

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I really want to ask this guy to be my valentine tomorrow but I don't know how because I don't have his number. I'm friends with him on Facebook but I'm worried he'll reject me because I don't even know if he has a girlfriend. He sometimes flirts with me but I'm not sure if it's becasue he likes me or is trying to be a player, he's a bit shy so I don't think he's really the type. It's like I'm excited, panicked, nervous and scared at the same time. Never asked a boy out before.

Please help,



Dear MixedFeelings154,

Sounds just like a problem my friend had last week. Well what I would do is see if you have a mutual friend on Facebook and talk to them. Ask if this guy has a girlfriend, and if not chances are he likes you. Get his number from a friend of his and call him up. If you're shy and would rather text or inbox him on Facebook, that's fine too. And if a guy acts shy around a girl or is just a bit quite around her it does sometimes mean that he fancies her. Also if he's shy then he might be in the same position as you and be worried about being rejected.

Botton line, ask him out and take a chance ; ]

Lots of love xoxo

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