XLIX - Last Goodbye!

Start from the beginning

Varun and Shraddha were also among the team of assistant surgeons. Besides them, two other assistant surgeons would be here and Dr. Khanna would be here too. But Dr. Aryan Khan, being the neuro surgeon would be taking the charge but here he was breaking down in front of me. The door opened revealing Varun and Shraddha. It was no surprise that they knew what was going on behind the closed doors of the theatre.

"We can do it! You can do it Aryan. It's your passion, your life. What you had always wanted to do. It's the greatest opportunity to prove yourself Aryan. Don't degrade or underestimate yourself. You can do it. You are destined to do it." Varun and Shraddha encouraged him as they squeezed his slumped shoulders from either sides as I laid there crying helplessly over my cruel fate.

"No, Varun! I cannot! I am too weak to see her in front of me like that. I don't know how would I be able to touch her body knowing that I might end up taking her life? I would forever regret this, Varun. I would forever curse myself for taking away her life with my own hands. I would never be able to live in peace if my feet, my hands shook at any step and I went wrong anywhere." He cried holding his head in his hands. He sobbed like a little child whining to get his favourite toy. He cried like there was no tomorrow and he cried until he had no more energy in him and I cried with him wrapping my slender and skinny arms around his head, trying to give him the strength that he needed very badly.

"How can you think like that Aryan?" Varun tried to calm him down as his own voice wobbled. Shraddha came towards me and squeezed my shoulder. She wiped away my tears and went towards Aryan.

"Aryan, look at me!" She demanded shaking him by his shoulders. "If your Ena has this life written in her destiny, then no one can give it to her except you. If you don't do this now, and if she might have a life written in her destiny by this surgery, who will you blame for it? Yourself of course. Don't run away now Aryan when you're so close to the finishing line." She spoke to him in a mere whisper, pronouncing every syllable ever so slowly to make him process her words. He looked up at her with his blood shot eyes longingly as if pleading her not to do this. All his sanity seemed to have abandoned him at this particular moment.

"Ena! Why are you making me do this?" He turned his attention to me, repeating the very first sentence that he spoke to me after entering the room. I sighed exasperatedly. He was not understanding that it was hurting me as much as him.

"It was your decision Aryan. You can't back out now." I whisper yelled at him, angered by his weakness. He was never like this. I never wanted to become his weakness. "You cannot leave me strangled in the middle of this abandoned desert. I have prepared myself with a lot of difficulty only for you because you wanted to fight for me. I had accepted my defeat long ago but you were the one who gave me hope when I didn't even want to see any positivity. You were the one who told me that you wanted to struggle till the very last moment. You made me believe all this then why are you doing this now? I have nowhere to go except you. Bring me home, Aryan. I believe in you!" I shook him slightly before hugging him to myself.

"It's so difficult for me Ena. You can never imagine what I am feeling right now." He replied, choking on his own words.

"Aryan you yourself said that you'll fight my demons and I want you to. What are you afraid of now?" I asked him in challenging way.

"I will fight your demons, your battles and your fears. I will fight it only for you Ena. I won't let you go. I won't let you slip away. I will find a way to hang around and annoy you everytime you search for peace." He replied, somewhat determined with a newfound hope in his heart.

"Aryan!" I whispered and he scooted closer to me. I cupped his face in my hands and looked into his deep brown shining depths.

"Even if I die today, I want you to know that you're not the one to be blamed for it. You're my saviour and have always been. I would never want you to blame yourself for something you never did. Aryan, I want you to know that you're my first and my last love and that I am sorry for hurting you. Even if I die today, I would have the satisfaction that I was with the one whom I loved the most, with all my heart and soul at my very last moment, so don't worry about me. I am ready to do it. I just need your support. Your strength is my strength. You give me strength because you, yourself are my strength, my hope and my beacon of light. If death means breathing my last in your arms, then I want you to know that I would gladly embrace it." I placed a soft kiss on his forehead as he closed his eyes and let his tears run down his face. He placed his head over my blanket clad chest and placed his arms on either sides of my body hugging my petite figure to himself.

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