"Opie!" He cheers, grasping at the long beard on his face.

A little cry is heard and I look over to see Gemma walking over, my little girl crying in her arms. I reach out for her, "Come here sweetheart, come to Mommy."

"I've fed her and changed her, I think she's probably ready for a nap." Gemma explains.

"Well then lets out you to bed, huh little Donna?" I ask, smiling down at my beautiful daughter before looking up at her loving Grandma, "Thank you so much Gem."

"Anything for you baby." She says, leaning forward and placing a kiss on my cheek.

The guys embrace Jax, congratulating him on he adoption. Tig has his arms wrapped around Mason's shoulder, Mason smiling at whatever Tig is telling him. Abel is being held onto my Juice, Chibs and Happy playing a little game with him. Lyla hugs Jax as Bobby stands back and talks to him.

This past year has been incredibly tough for us all, so many changes and new developments occurring. Jax and I have moved houses, finding one that is more suited to the size of our family. It's a little ways out of Charming, but still close enough that we can come to work and school everyday. It took awhile, but Mason has settled in pretty well, helping me with the boys while I was pregnant. He's also begun learning how to fix the bikes and cars at the lot, earning a little bit of money for himself. He's also found a girl, her name is Hannah and she's really sweet and kind.

The club has also changed drastically as well. After Clay's death, Jax decided that it was time to get out of the gun running business as well as all other illegal activity. It's been organised so that the Mayans and the Chinese have taken over those activities. It came as a shock to begin with, but after some convincing the rest of the charters agreed to it. Instead, each charter has now gotten involved in legitimate and non illegal business ventures. Here, it involves the mechanics and Deosa, along with its expansion, as well as opening up a gym in town. The club has now become more of what John dreamed and I know he would be proud of his son.

Jax and I have grown so much stronger in our relationship, him leaning on me for the club's changes and I leaning on him throughout sorting everything with Debra and Harrison's will. We sold the house, putting the money aside for a college fund for Mason, giving him a decent head start to pursue what he wants. Jax has been teaching him to ride, while I've been teaching him to drive.

We are all happy, everyone's loves working out. Gemma and Nero have developed into a serious relationship, him moving in with her not too long ago. Jax wasn't okay with it to begin with, but now he sees how happy it makes his mother. Opie and Lyla are expecting another baby, adding to their little family. She isn't too far along, but they're both excited about it. Lyla quit her job and is now studying to become a teacher, which she is extremely excited about.

Fiona and Karianne moved here from Belfast and now love with Chibs, much to his happiness and delight. They've settled in quite well, Karianne finishing her last year of high school and preparing to move off to the college. Tig surprisingly has started a serious, committed relationship with Venus, the local transvestite hooker that's helped the club out in nurseries occasions. The rest of the guys are enjoying their lives either with sweet buds or crow eaters.

This club has never been stronger, them actually beginning to change the opinions of people in town. The club is more involved with the community, being welcomed rather than shunned. Eli Roosevelt has recently begun working as the Sheriff once more after taking time off to deal with Rita's death. He put aside her murder investigation once he found out about Clay's involvement, instead leaving it for the club to take care of.

I smile as I look around the clubhouse, my eyes landing on the photo of John Teller. A smile comes to my lips as I think fondly of the old man, this is what he would have wanted and I feel him watching on, proud of what the club has become and that his vision is finally being fulfilled.


"My whole life, I've known without a doubt that you were my soulmate. From the moment we ran around the lot, much to the annoyance of our fathers and the other club members." I say, hearing the chuckles coming from the crowd.

"I vow to always stick by your side. Clearly." I say and his smile causes my heart to skip a beat, "I promise to love you and to cherish you throughout all the days of my life. To be your partner, your lover, and your best friend. For richer, for poker, in sickness and in health. I promise to love you until the day I die."

I slide the ring into Jax's finger, never wanting to let go of his hand. He gives my hand a squeeze before he begins his vows, "Emily, never in my life have I met some as strong, as brave and as loving as you are. All my life, you've been there for me, supporting me through everything and loving me like no one else could."

I feel myself tear up as I look at his beautiful face, "We've been in the making for years now babe and I've been waiting a long time to marry you. So I don't want to out it off any further. I love you so much and I'm so happy you be finally able to call you my wife."

He begins to slide the ring on my finger and I hear Opie clear his throat, "I think you're missing something."

Jax rolls his eyes as I chuckle as he begins to say the words, "And I promise to treat you as good as my leather..."

"...and ride you as much as my Harley!" All the men in the crowd cheer and I let out a laugh, the biggest smile forming on my face.

He finishes sliding the ring onto my finger and the celebrant looks between the two of us, "Then by the powers vested in my by the law and state. I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride!"

Jax smiles widely as he leans forward, placing a hand on my waist and pulling me against him, his other hand at the base of my head as his lips crash to mine. My hands wind up around his neck as the others erupt into cheers around us, but I ignore them, instead lost in our own world. My heart pounds in my chest as I realise that my dream finally came true. After a long, drawn out moment we pull back with the largest grind on our faces.

We finally did it, we've made it to our happily ever after. As I turn my head and take in every person I love, I know how lucky I am. My eyes land on the front row, where Gemma and Nero stand, holding Donna with Abel, Thomas and Mason smiling widely at us, cheering along with everyone else. When I first came back here those years ago, I never imagined that my life would end like this.

But despite all the hardships that were thrown my way, I would change it for anything because it led my straight to this moment. This is it and I can finally say that I am home.

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