Chapter Forty Two.

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Gahh! Over 20,000 reads! You guys are awesome! Thank you so much!

This chapter isn't my best,  I really don't think it's good but I had to get something up for you guys! When I get the chance, I will go back and edit this.

Hope you enjoy! 

-Stacey xxx


*Daryl's POV*

I let out a groan as she ran off aroud the corner, kicking the house wall before starting to head after her, but Glenn came out of the door. 

"Hey, we found this retail park a couple miles west. You and Lily in?"  he asked, leaning against the porch. 

I glanced at the corner as if Lily was going to suddenly appear, but no, she didn't. I turned to Glenn, "I'm in. Ye' might have to ask Lily yerself though." 

Before he could question me, I went around the same corner that Lily did, pressing my forehead against the bricks of the building. 

"I love you." 

Those three words swirled around my brain, trying to make sense of it all. 

When the world went to shit, I thought the days of falling in love were over, but here I was being proven wrong. Proven wrong by someone who had fallen in love with me. 

Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Maggie and Lily walking back up to the house, Maggie must have been down to ask her about the run. 

She looked up suddenly, catching my eye briefly before she looked down again. 

Glenn suddenly came around the same corner as I had. How the hell did he get there so quick? "Lily's in. Let's go." 


In the car, Maggie and Glenn were up front which left Lily and I in the back. It was silent except for the sound of the wheels hitting the bumpy road. 

"So what exactly is it that we're going to?" Lily asked after a few more agonizing minutes of silence. 

"A retail park. Basically it has a large amount of shops all in the same area." Glenn explained, looking back at her in the rearview mirror. 

"Surely that's one of the first places people would go to...right?" she continued, "What if it's empty?"

He shrugged, "It's worth a shot, right?" 

She gave him a tiny smile, "Sure. Everything's worth a shot." 

I thought about talking to her, but she probably wouldn't appreciate me bringing up our private things in front of the two of them.

Glenn and Maggie were talking quietly amongst the two of them but I kept my eyes on Lily, who was staring out the window. 

We arrived at the retail park quickly since the roads were deserted, 

There was maybe thirteen shops that we could go through. Everything from sporting goods to furniture stores and one supermarket. 

"It looks empty..." Maggie said quietly as we all climbed out of the car. 

Lily nodded in agreement, "But like Glenn said, it won't hurt to look around." she clutched her knife in her hand, "Maggie and I will go to that clothing store across there." 

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