Chapter Forty Three.

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I'm sorry for the late update! My internet was down and I had no way of getting on to type this up without running up my phone's internet bill! Hopefully you guys will like where I'm going with this but if not, please do not hesitate to tell me! Also sorry about the time jump! :)

I don't really know how I feel about this chapter. I'm afraid that my mind just wasn't working when I wrote this and it has not come out the way I planned.

-Stacey xxx


*Lily's POV*

"Y-you what?" I breathed, taking a step back so I could look at him.

"I love you." he reiterated, "Lily, I love you."

Breathing heavily, I threw myself at him, wrapping both my arms and legs around him, making him stumble backwards as I pressed my lips to his.

He laughed slightly in my ear once I pulled away, gently placing me on the ground.

I flushed red, looking down. "All right," I said quietly, attempting to play it smoothly, "Cool."

Finally looking back up at him, I saw that he was chewing on his lip, attempting to hide the small smile that was playing on his lips.

"I...I'm gonna go check on Maggie. See if she remembers anything." I muttered, moving backwards towards the door.

Daryl stuck his hands in his pockets and rocked back and forth on his heels, smiling cutely at me. "Okay." he murmured, smile growing.

I fiddled with the door handle and let myself out, resting my head against he wood.

He said it back. Daryl loves me.

I couldn't help the smile that came across my face as I pushed off the wood and wandered down the hallway to the room Maggie was in with Glenn, Hershel and Beth.

I gently knocked and popped my head around the door. Maggie was sat on the bed, smiling happily. Glenn was on one side of it while Hershel was sat with his arm around a worried Beth on the other.

"How is she?" I asked quietly, making them all look up at me.

Glenn smiled slightly up at me, "She's beginning to remember things again. Thank God."

I smiled back, moving a little further into the room, "Do you want me to check her head?"

Hershel quickly shook his head, "Not thank you. I can do that just fine."

My smile dropped, "Oh. Okay. Well if you need anything, just come and find me."

I swiftly left the room, getting the feeling that I wasn't wanted there. I think Hershel thought that the accident was somehow my fault.

Daryl came out of the room we were in a few moments ago and I couldn't help but smile as he approached me.

"'m goin' out to check the traps. Ye' wanna come?"

Nodding, I followed him down that stairs, deciding to play with him a little, "Is this a date?"

He stopped a few steps before me, spinning to face me, "What're ye' goin' on 'bout?"

I shrugged, "Realised you've never taken me out on a date, Mr Dixon."

"Well it ain't no fancy restaurant. Mostly dirt 'nd dead animals," he replied, holding his hand out to me, "Lily, would ye' like to come wi' me to check the traps?"

Giggling, I slipped my hand into his, "I'd love to."

*Daryl's POV*

Two weeks later;

Good news; Maggie was getting her memory back.

Bad news; Lily was getting sick again.

She was insistant that she was all right, saying that it was mostly a bad piece of squirrel she'd eaten but judging by the looks Hershel had been giving her the past few days, I knew that it was much more than that.

It was early when I was woken by Lily clambering over me, foot digging into my side as she stood on me.

"Ow. Jesus Lily." I muttered, blearily opening one eye to see her running out of the room. I closed my eyes, only for them to open again as I heard her throwing up.

Well this was new.

I rolled out of the bed, stretching as I followed the awful sound to the bathroom, finding her hunched over the toilet bowl.

"Damn. Must have been some bad squirrel." I said quietly, coming up behind her to pull the loose strands of her hair from her face.

She let out a weak laugh, "Yeah."

I rubbed her back gently, "Well next time I go out, I'll try 'nd get somethin' else for ye'."

She reached back and squeezed my hand, "Thank you."

I leant forward and pressed a small kiss to the back of her neck, only to be pushed away from her.

"No," she groaned, "You'll get sick too." then she went for another round in the toilet.

"Are ye' sure it's the squirrel?" I asked, "Everyone else is there nothin' else it could be?"

She shook her head, "No. I don't think so. Could you go get me some water or something? I need to rinse my mouth."

I nodded and got up, leaving the room, passing Maggie in the hallway.

"Is Lily about?" she asked quietly, "I need to talk to her about something."

I nodded, "Yeah...she's in the bathroom. Why? Is this about her being sick? Is she all right?"

She held up a hand, "I'm sure she's fine Daryl, but my dad just wants to make sure it isn't an effect from the injection she got."

"Okay. Well she's uh...otherwise engaged at the moment." I said quietly.

"I'll wait outside until she's done." she promised before continuing on his way.

I chewed at my thumbnail and then remembered that Lily was waiting for me to come back with her water.

As I walked, I turned around a few times, seeing that Maggie was indeed standing outside, but he was talking to her quietly.

What the hell was going on?

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