Chapter Forty Five.

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Not gonna lie, I did struggle a little bit writing brain just wasn't working! But moving on, I hope you like this next chapter guys! 

-Stacey xxx


*Lily's POV*

"All right, is this about what I think it is?" Hershel asked as he sat down, his eyes flickering between my eyes and my stomach. 

"How did you know?" I whispered, looking down at my hands, "Did Maggie tell you? 'Cause she had no right to-" I stopped when I felt Daryl squeeze my shoulder, "I'm sorry. I'm just scared." 

Hershel chuckled, "I'm old, not stupid. I've had my suspicions." 

Breathing deeply, I reached up and squeezed Daryl's hand that was on my shoulder, "What do you...I mean, what should we do?" 

Clasping his hands on his knee, he leant forward, "No matter what I say, it's all going to come down to you two. I can't make this decision for you, the rest of the group can't either. You two have to talk about it and whatever your decision is, I'm sure you'll have the full support of the group.

With that, he got up and left the room, leaving the two of us. 

I sighed loudly and put my head in my hands, jumping as Daryl wrapped his arms around me from behind. 

"We'll figure it out," he whispered, resting his head on my shoulder, "You know we will." 


Later that night, I was sat up in our room going over all the possible options.

The rational option would be to try and get my hands on some pills, but deep down in my heart, I knew I didn't want to do that but I couldn't be selfish. I had to do what I felt was best for the group. 

The door opened and Daryl came in, carrying a small bowl.

Oh God, please not more squirrel.

Noticing my grimace, he laughed quietly, "It's rabbit. Managed te' catch one just outside the gate." 

Smiling up at him, I pushed myself up on the bed, taking the bowl from him as he looked at me awkwardly.

"Can y'know?" he asked, gesturing to the bed. 

Giggling, I nodded, "Of course you can." 

He sat down beside me and I speared a piece of the rabbit on my fork, holding it up to his mouth.

Shaking his head, he smiled down at me, "Nah, keep it for yerself." 

I shrugged and ate it myself and I let out a small sigh, content that I was eating something that wasn't squirrel. 

"Thank you for catching this." I whispered, leaning up to press a kiss to his cheek. 

"Don't worry 'bout it." he replied, arm wrapping around me as we descended into silence since I was eating.

"What do you think we should do?" I murmured after a few seconds, "Honestly?" 

He sighed and rubbed his eyes, not answering me. 

I finished my food, reaching over Daryl to place the empty bowl on the small bedside table, "I think that maybe I should, and I hate myself for saying this, I should get rid of it." 

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