Chapter Thirty Nine.

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Here is the next chapter guys! Hope you enjooooooooy!

-Stacey xxx


*Lily's POV*

Over the past few days, I had noticed that Nick had been acting rather strange. He was always pulling people off to the side, talking to them quietly and today, it was my turn. 

"Can I talk to you?" he asked, approaching me as I finished feeding Judith some mashed fruit. 

Nodding, I placed the baby on my hip before following him, frowning when he led me outside. 

"Must be something pretty big if you've dragged me all the way out here." I joked, attempting to lighten the atmosphere.

It didn't work. 

Nick got straight to the point, "What do you think of Rick? Honestly?" 

I hitched Judtih higher onto my hip, brushing a few whisps of hair away from her eyes and shrugged, "He's a good man. He hasn't always got the best ideas but he's kept us alive all this time. Why?" 

"Don't you think that maybe he's had his time as leader? That someone else should take the reigns?" he asked, "Like, maybe Rick should just...disappear."

I didn't like the way he was sounded as if he had been working on talking about this for a while and that he had it all figured out. 

"We could do it you know," he continued, stepping forward and taking my hand, "I could take care of Rick and then together, we could run this place." I must have looked horrified because he clutched my hand tighter, "At least think about it. We could do so much more for this place. We cou-"

I took a step back. He was deluded, not thinking straight. Maybe he had been in the sun too long. "No!" I exclaimed, "Is this what you've been talking to everyone about? Trying to get everyone to agree with you? Rick let you join this group when you were out there on your own and this is how you repay him? Of course, it was Daryl and I who found you, us that brought you back. Maybe it was a mistake on our part." I murmured, turning to go back into the house. I had to warn Rick, tell him what Nick was saying to me. 

He caught my arm again, "Fine, fine. How about we leave. We can start frest. Just you and me." 

I gaped at him, "What the hell gave you the idea that I wanted anything like that from you?" 

The manic smile he had on his face faltered a bit, "You're always so nice to me...I just thoug-"

"I'm nice to everyone!" I yelled, causing Judith to jump slightly and from inside the house, I heard Cassie calling my name. I promised that I would give her a haircut. "I have to go." I said quietly, shrugging off his grip before returning to the house.

"Did you hear Cassie calling for you?" Beth asked as I handed an almost sleeping Judith to her. 

I nodded, "Yeah, yeah I did. Tell her I'll be right there." I had no intention of keeping what Nick said to myself. It could get dangerous very quickly.

Rounding the corner in search of Rick, I collided with Daryl, almost sending me to the floor.

"Jesus Lily." he breathed, steadying me, "Ye' all righ'?" 

I nodded, gripping his arm, "I'm fine. Daryl, list-" 

"Can this wait?" he asked, cutting me off and looking over my shoulder, "'m goin' on a run wi' Glenn. I've already kept 'im waitin'." 

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