Chapter Twenty Eight.

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Has everyone had a good weekend? What did everyone do? I feel like I should get to know you guys since you're all taking the time to read my story! (Which I greatly appreciate btw). I'm also sorry that this is short!

-Stacey :) xxx


*Lily's POV*

We returned to the houses in the early evening after looking around the large building and Rick told Hershel and Beth that we would be moving into the house the next day.

Everyone was happy, our moods having been lifted at the fact that we now had another safe place to stay.

I saw Rick attempting to feed Judith while helping Carl pack up the food which we had decided to take since nobody had claimed it.

"Rick, I'll take her." He smiled gratefully, holding the little girl over to me. I carried her over to the dining table, bouncing her on my lap after I'd sat down.

She let out a happy squeal, making me laugh. I wished that Lori could see what a beautiful baby she had brought into the world.

"Lily, could you come help us?" Maggie asked from the doorway.

I nodded and handed the baby to Beth who had just joined me at the table.

Outside, I could hear the patter of water as it began to rain. I glanced out the window, seeing a large black cloud looming ever closer.

"Looks like it could be a long one." Daryl said from beside me.

I frowned, "Great."

He bumped my shoulder playfully, "Cheer up."

I smiled a little as he handed me a large box containing food. That would have been fine if he hadn't continued to place more and more boxes on top of it.

"Daryl..." I warned as I felt my arms starting to tremble with the weight of the boxes.

"Is it too heavy?" Daryl asked and I managed to look around the boxes to see him smirking at me.

So in order not to embarrass myself, I shook my head, "Of course not." I took a few steps, letting out a yelp as a few things on top of the pile started wobbling. I knew that Daryl was still watching so I carried on regardless, wincing as a few tubs of food crashed to the floor, making everyone turn to look at me.

"Oops." I smiled, trying to find somewhere to put the rest of the things down so I was able to pick up the things I had dropped.

"Give 'em here." Daryl muttered, yanking them out of my hands.

Rick came through again. "I want everyone to head to bed early," he instructed, "We leave at first light."

Daryl indicated for me to place the things I had picked up back on the pile, "Ye' can go to sleep. I'll pack up the stuff."

I smiled at him, squeezing his forearm gently as I passed him.

Beth carried Judith up into the room where Rick was taking over watch while I exited from the first house and jogged into the next one to avoid getting too wet.

"Urgh." I shivered as water dripped from my hair and down my back, jumping away from the door as it opened behind me, Daryl coming in.

"That was quick." I mused as he pulled his soaked jacket from his broad shoulders.

He shrugged, "Beth's stayin' with Judith tonight. So it's just us."

I bit my lip as he passed by me, hanging his jacket on the bottom of the banister to dry. I didn't mind that one bit.

I climbed up the stairs behind him and when he turned to go the opposite way from the room we slept in last night, I frowned slightly. Maybe he wanted to sleep on his own.

I slumped into the room I had claimed and tugged off my boots and since I hated sleeping in jeans, I decided to take those off too.

I had just got comfortable in the small bed, burying myself in the covers when the door opened. I stayed still as Daryl came in, his boots hitting the floor before he pulled the duvet back and slipped in beside me.

Both of us tensed when he realised that I was practically half naked, my eyes clenching shut as heat spread over my face.

Wordlessly, I made a move to gather my jeans and pull them back on, but squeaked as Daryl pulled me back, making me fall onto him.

I used my hands to push myself back up, keeping eyes contact with him at all times.

His warm hands rested on my thighs, his rough thumbs stroking gently.

I didn't know what to do, so I stayed still as his hand made its way up my body until it came to rest on the back of my neck. He gently brought my face down to his, stopping inches from my lips.

My breath trembled as he kept me waiting. "Daryl, please." I begged, causing him to smirk. Bastard. He knew exactly what he was doing.

Running out of patience, I pressed my lips to his in a heated kiss. He immediately responded, one hand winding into my hair while the other made it's way down my back, tugging on my shirt.


Once we had both fulfilled each other's needs, I rolled of of him to catch my breath, pulling the covers up over my exposed chest.

Figuring that Daryl wouldn't want to do any of that cuddling thing, I repositioned myself so I could rest my head against his shoulder like I had last night. It wasn't much, but it made me feel just that little bit more comfortable so I closed my eyes, attempting to go to sleep.

"My dad was abusive." Daryl said quietly, startling me and making me look up at him. "He was an alcoholic too. Maybe that fueled it or somethin'. Merle practically raised me but he was gone more often than not...serving time in juvie and shit. I spent most of my time alone and I basically just learned how to fend for myself."

I frowned, nibbling on my lip for a little bit, "What about your mom?"

He looked down at me, "She died in a fire." I reached down and laced my fingers with his as he continued. "Was comin' home from school when me an' my friends heard the sirens. I ran home and saw it was my house they were at."

I tightened my grip on his fingers, looking up at him again, seeing his eyes screwed shut as he relived what sounded like some of his most painful memories, "I remember my friends looking at me. I remember everyone looking at me."

I looked down again, not realising how bad he actually had it before pressing a kiss to his shoulder, "I'm sorry."

He shrugged, "Don't matter. They're both gone."

Letting out a soft sigh, I lifted his arm, allowing me to slip underneath so I could rest my head on his warm chest.

He tensed, but slowly, he brought his arm around me, his fingertips trailing up and down my arm. "Go to sleep." he whispered, "It's goin' to be a busy day tomorrow."

I nodded against him and closed my eyes, letting the feeling of Daryl tracing patterns on my skin put me to sleep.

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