Chapter Twenty Two.

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So I didn't update last night...I have a good excuse though! Whilst playing badminton with my lovely mother, I tripped and fell, managing to screw my ankle up pretty badly. So I had to go to the ER.

-Stacey xxx


*Lily's POV*

As I prepared Daryl's food, from down in the tunnels, I could hear loud growling and without realising, I sort of gravitated towards the gate, checking to see if it was locked, which it was. I grabbed a flashlight off of a nearby table and shone it in, along with pressing my face against the metal bars, just to try and get some sort of sight.

I frowned when I noticed a good few decomposing faces of walkers. The tunnels must have been filling up for a good few months.

"What're you doing?" Glenn asked from behind me, making me jump.

I spun around, seeing the amused smile on his face.

"T-the tunnels," I stuttered, trying to get my heart back to its normal rate, "I think they're filling up..."

His amused expression quickly faded, taking the flashlight from me

. My eyes widend as he grabbed the keys from his belt. "What're you doing?" I asked, moving behind him as he opened the door.

He didn't go too far in, just enough to see the amount of walkers I had.

"Shit." he muttered, eyes widening when he managed to catch the attention of a few of the walkers. He quickly slammed the gate shut and locked it, turning to me, "We're going to have to tell the others. They're all the way up the the back wall as far as I can see."

I nodded once, grabbing Daryl's food and returning to the group. I sat down on the step next to Daryl, handing him the small bowl as Glenn paced a little before turnning to us, "The tunnels are full of walkers."

It was kind of like when Glenn told everyone that Hershel's barn was full of walkers. The group became silent very quickly.

"Are you sure?" Rick asked.

I nodded, "I noticed them."

Rick ran a hand across his tired face, "Well we're going to have to attempt to

clear them out." Daryl nodded and stood up, "I'll get my stuff."

I didn't try and stop him 'cause I knew he wouldn't sit this out and I also knew that Rick needed him. I grabbed a smallish knife from the table just as Daryl came back down, shaking his head when he saw me preparing, "No. No way Lily. This is too dangerous."

I rolled my eyes, "I don't care. I'm going."

He grabbed my wrist, "Don't be stupid. You'll be safe here."

I shrugged out of his grip, shaking my head, "Normally I'd listen to you but not this time. I don't want to lose this place and that means I'm going to do whatever I can to help. This is my home too." I walked away before he could answer, hearing him muttering under his breath before he caught my wrist again.

"Take this," he whispered, handing me his knife, "At least it's better than that shitty one you were goin' to use."

Reluctantly, I took it before following Rick to the gate.

"Wait!" Glenn called, making us spin around, "There's two sets of riot gear...I think Maggie and Lily should wear them."

Daryl quickly nodded in agreement and I didn't mind wearing it since Carol was staying in the locked cell block with Hershel, Beth and Judith, but we were leaving the keys with them just in case this all went pear shaped and they had to make a quick getaway.

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