Chapter Seventeen.

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This chapter is just a short one and it doesn't have Daryl's POV in it. But the next one does and it's longer. Yay?

Staceeey :) xxx


*Lily's POV*

When I woke, I was disorientated and couldn't feel my right leg.

I shrugged it off though, thinking that I had just slept on it funny. I sat up, swinging my legs out of the bed and stood up. Bad move. I let out a small squeak as my right leg completely buckled from underneath me,sending me to the floor.

I groaned into the cold concrete and rolled over so I was on my back. Oh well...the floor looked pretty comfortable. I groaned again when I remembered what actually happened. The Governor. The little room. Daryl saving me....again.

Someone cleared their throat, making me look up.

Daryl was leaning against the wall of the cell, staring at me with an amused look, "What're ye' doin'?"

I smiled, stroking the floor affectionately, "Oh y'know...just chillin' on the floor 'cause my legs all bust up."

He pushed himself off the wall, coming further into the cell and held his hands out for me.

I took them gratefully and he hauled me up easily, catching me as I fell into him.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, "Thank you for coming for me."

He held my waist tightly, "I told ye' that I wouldn't let anything happen to ye'. I kinda failed on that bu-."

I placed my finger against his lips, shushing him, "You came for me. That's what matters to me."

I accidently put pressure on my bad leg, making me wince. Daryl -kind of- smiled down at me, "Hershel said ye' need to rest. So get back on that bed."

I shook my head quickly, "'s boring. I want to come downstairs."

He opened his mouth to protest but I cut him off, "I promise that I will stay sitting if you let me come down."

After a few moments if him internally deliberating, he reluctantly nodded and I grinned, giving him a quick peck on the cheek.

He wrapped a strong arm around my waist while I wrapped mine around his neck, glad that he was going to help me.

Together we slowly made our way out of my cell and down the stairs.

"Lily!" Carl grinned, rushing over to me.

Thankfully he stopped before he ran into me. His outburst had alerted everyone of my presence and Rick stood, holding out his hand for me.

I smiled back at everyone, "Hey guys."

The two men led me down the last of the stairs and into a cell, lowering me onto the bed gently.

Rick smiled softly, "I'll get you something to eat."

I quickly shook my head, "You don't have to do that." I hated being waited on. It made me feel weird.

Rick went anyway, leaving Daryl and I on our own again.

"We're going for a run again soon. Back to Woodbury for the rest of the supplies."

"Bring me back something nice." I joked, grinning up at him.

He shook his head while rolling his eyes and I stuck my tongue out at him. "I'll see what I can do." he whispered, leaning down to press a soft kiss to my forehead, "Stay here. If ye' need anythin' ask one of the others."

I nodded, leaning back against the wall as he left the cell.


As soon as Daryl left, I done the complete opposite of what he told me to do. I looked around the small cell, my eyes lighting up when I saw two spare crutches resting against the adjacent wall and at the moment, Carl chose to walk past. Perfect.

"Carl!" I called, making him walk backwards so he was in the doorway.

"Yeah?" he asked, walking in.

"Could you be a doll and hand me those crutches?"

He nodded eagerly, quickly retrieving them for me. He handed them to me and I slowly stood, placing the crutches under my arms. "I thought Daryl told you to rest." he said, leaning agaist the wall.

I smiled, taking another step, "What Daryl doesn't know won't hurt him. Besides, I haven't listened to him before and I ain't gonna start now." Come to think of it that's the reason why I always end up getting myself into trouble.

I looked around the cell block as I reached the doorway, spotting a pack of cards on the table. I looked over my shoulder at Carl, "How about you and I play some cards?"

He nodded, grinning at me before heading to the table.

I followed him more slowly, sending an innocent smile to Carol and Hershel who were shaking their heads at me while smiling.

I lowered my self into the uncomfortable seats across from Carl, who was smirking at me. "Ready to lose?"


"Again? How is that possible? You're thirteen!" He had beaten me in all four games we had played.

It was embarrassing.

When I took a glance out the window, I saw it was growing dark. "Carol, do you need any help with dinner?" I asked.

She shook her head at me, smiling, "Sasha from Woodbury is going to help me."

I nodded, "Well is there anything else I can do?"

I froze as the familiar southern drawl spoke from right behind me, "Ye' can get back in that bed if ye' know what's good for ya."

Carol smirked at me as I turned around.

"Hey..." I smiled, looking up at Daryl.

He had his arms crossed over his chest, staring down at me intensly, "I thought I said stay in bed."

I nodded, "I know...but it's so boring.."

He rolled his eyes and bent down, placing an arm under my legs.

"Daryl I can walk." I huffed as he hoisted me into his arms. He said nothing as he carried me up the stairs and into the cell I was sleeping in.

"You can't stop me from getting up all the time." I stated.

He smirked and lay down beside me, blocking me from leaving the bed, "I can sure as hell try. Now c'mere."

I turned onto my side, which allowed me to put my uninjured leg over his as I shimmied closer to him. I rest my head on Daryl's chest.

He quickly started running his hands through my dark hair while I grimaced into his shirt, dreading to think what my hair looked and felt like.

I threaded my fingers through his on his free hand, smiling as he placed a kiss to my forehead. I then let the sound of his even breathing lull me to sleep.

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