Chapter Twenty Five.

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Here's the next chapteeeeer! :)

-Stacey xxx


*Daryl's POV*

Lily and I spent the ret of the night taking turns on watch. She took the back seats whereas I climbed into the front. A couple more hordes came past us, but they consisted of much smaller numbers compared to the one that chased us out here and luckily, none of them noticed us.

It was early when Lily woke, poking her head through the gap in the seats.

"Should we get going?" she asked, wiping her tired eyes.

I nodded, cracking the drivers door open wincing, at the loud noise it made, "I reckon I can get us back now that it's dry."

She climbed out, handing me my crossbow, "Okay, but wouldn't the rain have messed it all up?"

I shrugged, "Either way we should be fine. Even if it has been messed up it's daylight and I should be able to lead us back," I squeezed her hand, "Trust me."

She smiled, "I do. You know that."

I placed my hand on her lower back, urging her to go forward towards the woods again.

As we moved into the thick trees, Lily stayed close to me instead of going ahead like she had last night. There were no walkers around as far as I could see, so we could relax a little. I kept my eyes peeled though, we didn't need anything creeping up on us.


After another while of walking, I finally began recognising our surroundings. We were close to where we left everyone.

"This way." I muttered, dragging Lily through more trees.

When we found the highway again, we were shocked to see that our group was nowhere in sight. All that was left were a few dozen walker corpses and the car that we had arrived here in.

"Jesus." I muttered, running a hand through my hair, spinning around when rustling came from the bush behind us, pushing Lily behind me. I raised my crossbow just as Carl came stumbling out from the trees.

"Carl?!" Lily gasped, opening her arms for him to fall into.

"T-there were walkers. Ton's of 'em. Everyone kind of went their own ways. I think my dad thought I was with Glenn and Maggie."

Lily ran her hands through his hair and he relaxed against her, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"When did the walkers hit?" I asked.

"Late last night. Just after my dad came back."

Lily frowned, pulling back to look at him, "Where did you go?"

Carl shrugged, "I climbed a tree. Stayed up all night. Then when I started to fall asleep, I heard you two talking and I came down."

I opened the back door to the Land Rover, "Alright, get in. We'll head East, see if we can catch up with the rest of 'em."

The two of them climbed into the car, Lily riding shotgun. I swiftly started the car and started moving along the highway in search of the others.

Carl fell asleep about five minutes into us driving.

"I can't believe he spent all night in a tree." Lily said quietly, looking back at the sleeping boy.

"Yeah he's a tough kid." It was silent for a few moments before Lily spoke again.

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