Chapter Seven.

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Short! But two chapters in one day...that's good right?


"They should be back by now." Hershel said quietly, talking about Glenn and Maggie. They had been gone for hours.

I carried Judith -Carl decided to name the baby after his former teacher- up the metal stairs, gently laying her in the small cardboard box that we were using as her cot for the moment. I smiled when I noticed that someone had written 'Little Ass Kicker' with a smiley face on the side.

After making sure that she was tucked in, I quickly went back down the stairs, grabbing a rifle, "I'm going to go stand lookout on one of the towers. I'll give you a shout when they get back."

Rick nodded, "Carl, you go too."

I smiled slightly, glad to see that Rick was slowly getting it back together. Carl and I quickly left, heading outside. 

I sat on the floor inside the tower whereas Carl paced on the balcony.

After a while he stopped, slumping down to the floor.

I crawled out to him, ignoring the grate flooring digging into my knees. "You alright?" I asked quietly.

He hadn't really spoken to me since that day in the boiler room. To be honest, if I was him, I wouldn't speak to me either after what he had seen me do.

He was silent for a few moments before he finally replied, "I miss her."

Sighing, I wrapped my arm around his shoulder, "Y'know, she always told me how brave you are. She'd be so proud of you. You're not letting this world beat you."

He rest his head on my shoulder, messing around with his gun.

We sat in silence until we heard the growls of the walkers intensify.

I sat up on my knees, grabbing the binoculars from Carl. Raising them to my eyes, I scanned the perimeter, my eyes locking on a dark skinned woman who was limping, carrying a sword and a fairly large basket.

"Go get your dad." I whispered, keeping my eye on the woman as Carl ran down the stairs.

I watched as the woman collapsed after managing to defend herself against the first few walkers.

"Shit!" I cursed, running down the metal steps myself. I was met with Rick and Carl as I threw the door at the bottom open.

"What did you see?" Rick asked as we approached the gate.

"A woman. I think she's wounded. The walkers got all riled up over something" I replied, pulling the gate open, letting them out.

I laced my fingers through the grids on the fence, watching as they both shot the walkers.

Rick pulled the woman up, throwing her arm around his shoulder to support her. He supported her back to the gate which I opened for them.

"What's her wound?" Rick asked, looking at me as he set her down on the ground, "Is she bit?"

I bent down and set about searching her body for any sight of a bite or an injury, coing up trumps until I rolled up her trouser leg. "She's been shot." I stated, looking back up at him.

He nodded and lifted her back up, "Let's get her inside. You and Hershel can decide who's patchin' her up. Then we'll find out how the hell she found us. Take the basket."

I grabbed it, suprised at the heavy weight of it before following after Carl.


Later that night after talking to the woman who revealed her name was Michonne, we learned that someone called the Governor had taken Glenn and Maggie hostage in a town called Woodbury.

Rick and Daryl decided that they were going to let her lead them there sometime tomorrow.

I was lying in my cell awake, unable to sleep. I knew that it was because I was worried about them going to confront the man that honestly sounded like the real deal. Realising I wasn't going to be sleeping any time soon, I got up and decided that I'd walk around for a while.

Creeping past everyone's cell on the upper level, I managed to get halfway down the stairs undetected.

That was until his low voice stoppped me, "Where you goin'?"

I turned to see him just a few steps above me. 

"I can't sleep," I muttered, "Thought I'd take a little walk." 

"Don't be stupid. C'mon, we can talk for a bit." he offered, turning to walk back up the stairs. 

Confused, I followed, watching as he fell back onto the mattress he had brought out of one of the cells. Standing awkwardly as he got himself comfortable. 

"Well? Are ye' gonna sit down or stand there starin' at me?" he asked and I slowly lowered myself down onto the end of the mattress. 

"What exactly are we going to talk about?" I asked, fiddling with my hands, "We don't exactly have much in common." 

He shrugged, "Talk about whatever comes to mind."

     A short time had passed and I had now moved from the bottom of the mattress to beside him as we talked about a range of topics. He had actually spent more time asking me about where I went to study medicine and took a genuine interest in my life. 

Soon we were laughing -Yes, laughing!- between ourselves and I was keeping my giggles quiet. 

Daryl was watching me with some strange expression on his face as a small section of his hair fell down onto his face and without thinking, I reached over and pushed it back.

I suddenly got the urge to kiss him, so I shuffled my body closer and quickly pressed my lips to his before he could stop me. 

He didn't push me away but he didn't kiss back either. 

When the realisation of what I done hit me, I quickly pulled away and scambled off of the mattress, almost tripping over my own feet as I started moving backwards. 

"Er..I am so sorry." I stuttered, stumbling over his boots, "I'm just...gonna go. So, goodnight!" With that, I quickly scampered back to my bed and throwing myself onto it, burying my face into my pillow.

Fuck my life.

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