Chapter Fifty Eight.

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Hi guys! So as you know, the time for Lily giving birth is approaching and I was wondering if any of you lovely people might have any name suggestions? I have a few already written down and I'm planning on choosing it soon. So if you do have any, drop me a comment or a message and I'll add it to the list! 

Again, this chapter is a bit of a filler but I hope you enjoy it!

-Stacey xxx


*Daryl's POV*

As Lily entered the final few weeks of her pregnancy, Rick and I insisted that we move our stuff into the lighthouse and after much persuasion and arguing, we finally got Lily to agree. 

It had been two weeks since we had done that and Lily hadn't been down again as she got tired very quickly. 

I had been boarding up a broken window in the hotel and decided to go up and see that she was doing okay. 

"Lily?" I called when I was almost at the top of the narrow spiraling staircase and when I got to the doorway, I found her buzzing around in the small space, wiping down one of the many windows. "What're ye' doin'?" 

"Cleaning." she mumbled, crouching down to get a dirty mark at the bottom. 

"Lily, yer supposed to be restin'." I murmured, stepping into the circular room. 

"No!" she snapped, finally standing up to look at me, "No. I'm not sitting around here anymore. I have least try and make this place look decent. I could have this baby any day now and this place isn't ready." she then turned back to the window. 

Sighing, I picked up a cushion by my feet, "Ye' want any hel-"

"Nope." she said, not even looking at me this time. 

"Ye' sure?" 

"Yes. Now get out." she dropped her rag onto the small round table and made her way over to me, pushing against my chest in an attempt to get me to leave, "Go...I dunno, skin something." 

Rolling my eyes, I allowed her to push me out of the room again and slam the door in my face. 


"I don't know what's wrong with her. She's cleaning an' shit." I told Rick as I watched him board up a hole in the fence that Carl managed to put a football through. 

"Lori was like that when she was pregnant with Carl. Wanted everything to be perfect for him arriving. Think she called it nesting." he chuckled, nailing a piece of wood over the hole. 

"She ain't her normal self." I murmured, looking up at the lighthouse, "She's quieter. 'nd always snappin' at me."

"She's lonely." Cassie said from behind us, making me turn to look at her.

"Lonely?" I asked, "The hell are ye' talkin' 'bout?" 

She shrugged, "She's up there on her own for hours everyday and I don't think anyone goes up to see her cause they're all too busy. I think me and Carl are the only ones who do go up. I really think that she's just missing some adult company."

I chewed on my thumb as I thought about what she said. Had I been neglecting her? Come to think of it, I never really saw Lily during the day since I was always down here and when I did return, she'd be fast asleep.

"Shit," I breathed, watching Cassie as she picked at a few blades of grass, "Yer right." 

As Lily's pregnancy had progreseed into these last few weeks, I had payed pretty much no attention to her. I had been neglecting her when she had been needing me most.

"I heard her crying earlier." Cassie spoke again, "She thought she was alone."

My feet began taking me towards the building again. I didn't like hearing that she was upset and that it was most likely my fault but she should have said something. She was like me in a way. She'd keep things to herself too. 


I found her pretty much the way I left her except she had moved on to the bed area. 

"Lily?" I asked, frowning as she tensed at the sound of my voice.

"I thought I told you to leave me alone." she grumbled.

"I...Cass said tha' ye' were cryin' earlier. I jus' wanted to check tha' ye' were okay." I said quietly.

"'m fine."

 I scoffed, "Ye' think I'm gonna believe that? Yer not okay, so c'mon. Tell me what's wrong." 

"What's wrong?" she snapped, whirling around to face me, "What's wrong is that I've been stuck up here for almost two weeks. I have read every book so many times that I could probably tell you the content cover to cover. I sit up here on my own all day hoping that maybee someone will come up and see me, that you will come up and see me but you don't! It's as if you've forgotten about me. We...we don't talk or see each other any more." 

At the sight of her tears, I quickly crossed the room and wrapped my arms around her as best as I could.

"No." she whimpered, pushing me away, "You don't get to just hug me and think it makes everything okay because it doesn't." 

"I'm sorry," I mumbled, hugging her anyway, "I haven't been very supportive, I know." 

She finally relaxed in me arms and buried her face into my shirt, voice muffled as she spoke, "When you do that it makes me feel as if you don't want the you're regretting our decision." 

I made her look up at me, "No. Ye' know I don't. It's jus' tha' I'' know I ain't good at all this shit." 

She nodded again and reached up to play with the hair at the back of my neck, "Can you least try a little harder?" 

Nodding, I pressed a kiss to her cheek, "I promise."


*Lily's POV*

Despite somewhat resolving our issues yesterday, when I woke up early this morning my inner bitch was back and she was back with a vengeance. 

I was sat up against the back of the bed, glaring down at Daryl, frustrated at how sleep seemed to come so easily to him nowadays. 

As if he felt my gaze, his eyes fluttered open and he smiled weakly at me and his hand reached out to touch my arm. 

"Don't touch me." I snapped, moving my arm away from him. 

Sighing, he ran a hand through his hair. "Ye' know, yer not makin' this easy for me." he muttered, sitting up from the bed.

"And you think this is easy for me?" I asked, glaring up at him. 

"Oh no, ye've made it pretty clear over the past few days. Ye' don't have to be such a bitch 'bout it." With that, he got up from the bed and left, slamming the door to the stairwell behind him as hot tears rolled down my cheeks. 

He had every right to call me a bitch because I have been and he's been the one who had been the recipient of my outbursts. 

Wiping my eyes, I sighed, deciding to talk to him once we had both managed to calm down a bit. 


I'm sorry that all of the endings to the chapters seem, well, a little bit shit. That's cause they are...anyway, hope you enjoyed!

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