Chapter Fifty Nine.

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Hellloooo! There were so many wonderful suggestions for names and it got so hard, that I enlisted the help of my cousin who suggested that I put them all in a bowl. I hope you like the outcome cause if you don't, I think I may cry...

-Stacey xxx


*Lily's POV*

Hours had passed and Daryl still hadn't come back. Normally it wouldn't bother me, knowing that he was probably spending some time calming down before he came back but I had been feeling pains in my stomach and back.

Since I was close to giving birth, I had expected them but the books said that they would disappear after a while and these ones wouldn't and I was starting to get scared that I was going into labour on my own.

Thankfully, a knock on the door had me snapping out of my daze, seeing Maggie grinning at me over a pile of boxes.

"What the hell?" I asked, smiling softly at her.

This was the first time I'd seen her in the two weeks I had been up here and despite me being pretty pissed at her for not coming up sooner, I was happy to see her.

"This is a bunch of stuff from the daycare inside." she said, setting the boxes down in front of me, "There's a crib inside but I'll get Glenn to bring them later. I thought we could talk."

I pursed my lips, "Did Daryl send you up here?"

"No. I just thought that I haven't been the best friend to you lately and," she smiled sheepishly, "Okay, yes. He may have mentioned that you were pissed off but the choice to come up was completely my own."

I held up my hand which made her stop and I smiled before opening one of the boxes, a small onesie that was on top of a pile of seemingly endless clothes.

"I was pretty pissed." I admitted, smiling at her again, "I mean I had Carl and Cassie up here but Jesus, they're so loud."

She giggled and began rambling on about what was going on down at the hotel and I tried to listen, really I did but I was more focused on the strong pain that had returned to my lower stomach which caused me to wince.

"Lily?" Maggie asked, noticing my sudden discomfort, "Lily, you alright?"

I exhaled while rubbing small circles on the spot, "Yeah. Baby's just kicking harder than normal."

She eyes me skeptically but after my reassuring nod, she seemed to drop it, eyes lighting up slightly, "Have you thought about any names?"

I shook my head, "No. I'm finding it a little too hard. I mean, hopefully when they get here, I can put a name to their face. You know?"

She nodded, "I guess it's probably easier once you've seen them."

Cassie and Carl came in just as I pushed myself up to put the cothing away in the small dresser that was in here, having to grab the edge of the furniture as the pain came back, this time much stronger.

"Lily?" Maggie said again, hand on my shoulder as my body tensed up.

"Oh jeez," I breathed, "I-I think I'm having contractions."

I glaced at Maggie to see that her face had paled and her mouth was wide open, "Are you sure?" I nodded and she ran a hand through her hair, "Okay. Nobody panic."

"We're not." Cassie stated, "You are."

Maggie scowled at her before turning to me, "Let's sit you down."

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