Chapter Fifty Seven.

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Oh my days! The story has over 100k reads! Thank you so much! 

My mum is still grilling me over the whole pregnancy stuff being found on my computer. I honestly do not know what to say to her...

Moving on. In this chapter, Lily is now seven months, just in case anyone is confused. I know it's skipping a lot of time, but I'm not wanting to write every day cause let's face it, you'd probably get bored. I also want to thanks HCGAMINGVAMPIRE for the idea that gave me a kind of inspiration for this and I hope you don't mind that I kind of used it! Anyway, along with the chapter!

-Stacey xxx


*Lily's POV*

It felt as if both Daryl and I were beginning to lose it. He wasn't the only one who was having a hard time sleeping anymore. I myself was having a bunch of crazy dreams...losing the baby during labour was always the reoccurring along with me worrying that I'm not going to be a good mother. 

Tonight was no different. I was awake, counting the tiny square pattern on the ceiling when Daryl began muttering in his sleep. What he was mumbling about, I couldn't tell.

Normally, he'd wake up a few minutes after, his arm would find it's way around me, bringing me close to him as I pretended to sleep. Tonight however, he didn't waken. Instead he began moving. 

His arms acting as if he was attempting to push someone away and when he started kicking his legs, I chose to step in. 

I sat up and leant over him, being careful not to come in the path of any of his thrashing limbs. "Daryl?" I said softly, wanting to coax him awake, not shock him and have him think there was anything wrong, "Daryl, wake up. You're having that dream again." It took a few more minutes of talking to him to get him to open his eyes. 

"Did I wake ye'?" was the first thing he said, sitting up until he was eye level with me.

I shook my head, "Was up." I then chewed on my bottom lip, smiling slightly as he pulled it from between my teeth. 

"Told ye' to stop that." he whispered, "What's on yer mind." 

"What are you dreaming about?" I asked, coming straight out with it. 

He quickly shook his head, "Nothin' for ye' to worry about." 

My hand caught his arm as he tried to roll from the bed, "Daryl, please. Whatever it haven't slept properly in weeks. You're exhausted. I can see it in your face. Please don't shut me out." I made him look at me, "Let me in." 

"I can't!" he hissed, finally standing from the bed, "Ye' don't get it, Lily. I've never felt this way for a long time." 

I watched as he began pacing back and forth, suddenly glad that Cassie had moved her things into Carl's room for the night. 

"There's so much fear." he said quietly, looking like he was almost too ashamed of admitting that to me. 

"Fear of what?" I whispered, rising so I was on my knees in front of him. 

"Of losing you!" he cried, hands fisting his hair tightly, "'s consuming me. Every time I close my eyes, I see ye' bein' ripped away from me. H-how am I supposed to sleep when all I see is the person I love bein' killed?! The one person I'm supposed to be able to protect but can't 'cause they're stopping me!" 

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