Chapter Twenty Nine.

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Okay, I swear I'm trying to get some more Daryl's POV's in! I promise that they will appear! 

-Stacey xxx


*Lily' POV*

You know that stage of sleep when you're not asleep but you're not awake? Yeah I was in that mind state when Rick decided to barge his way into the room. Luckily I managed to cover up before he saw anything. Realistically, I should have gotten dressed last night, but what can I say? I was tired.

"C'mon you two. Get up. I said I wanted us to leave by first light..." Rick mumbled and I opened my eyes in time to see him rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. I opened one eye, seeing him rubbing the back of his neck before closing it again and cuddling cloer to Daryl, hearing Rick's footsteps retreat out of the room.

When Daryl made a move, I groaned and rolled over to face the wall.

"C'mon," he said quietly, "Get up. Yer no use to anyone there."

I rolled back over, stretching my arms above my head, "I was use to you last night."

He looked over his shoulder at me, a small smile playing on his lips, "Ye'd better get up in case Rick has a heart attack."

I held the blankets to my chest and sat up, "Not while you're still here."

He rolled his eyes while pulling on the last of his clothes, "Saw everything last night."

I flushed, making him smirk slightly but he picked up his boots and left the room.

Just in case Daryl came back in, I used the sheets to shield myself as I reached for my clothes, pulling them under the sheets with me. I managed -with some difficulty- to pull my clothes back on.

After getting myself dressed, I left the room and went outside to where everyone was waiting for me.

"'Bout time." Rick muttered, making me make a face at him. "Lily, you'll ride with Glenn and Maggie." he instructed, making me laugh to myself. He clearly felt uncomfortable judging by the fact he wouldn't look at me or Daryl.

I hopped back into the back of Glenn's car as he started the engine.

"What's Rick's problem?" Maggie asked, turning to me.

"He kinda caught me and Daryl this morning..."

Glenn looked at me in the mirror, eyes wide, "Were you...?"

I laughed at his face, "No. We were sleeping."

He seemed to relax as Rick honked twice, singnalling we were heading out.


"Woah." Beth breathed as she climbed out of the car she had driven up in. She was staring up at the large building in awe.

Smiling, I helped Hershel down, "Hopefully this will last us a while."

Rick clapped his hands, "Alright, let's get everything inside then we'll sort out rooms and things."

We all carried a few boxes in each, dropping them on the large circle table in the middle of the room where Rick gathered us all around again, "You can fight amongst yourselves for the rooms. But we're going to have to have people on watch by the gates."

Daryl placed his box down on the table, "That drive up from there is pretty long."

I nodded, "He's right. We're gonna waste a ton of gas every time someone goes on a run."

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