Chapter Eighteen.

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Sorry for the longish wait...I had a few things going on. What do you guys want to see happen?

Anyway, hope you like it :)

-Stacey xx


*Lily's POV*

A uneventful week passed and my leg was healing nicely thanks to the medical supplies and the fact that I had always been a fast healer. It still hurt on some days though and I would be forced by the group to take it easy.

Daryl -after much reassurance from Hershel- finally let me get up and move about so I oculd go back to helping with everything around the prison.

Speaking of Daryl, where was he?

I got off my bed and ran down the metal stairs, wincing at the loud clanging noise they made when my feet hit them.

"He's outside." Glenn laughed from where he was taking apart his gun.

Beside him, there was a bow and a sheath of arrows.

" anyone using that?" I asked.

He shook his head, sliding the weapon over to me, "Go for it. Maybe you'll be able to use it better than a gun."

I let out a snort while heading towards the door, "Yeah that's likely." I pushed the door open, squinting against the bright sunlight.

Daryl was down at the fence and it looked like he was annoying the maybe teasing was a better word for it.

I happily skipped through the growing grass, smiling as he turned to look at me.

"What're ye' doin'?" he asked, eyeing the weapon in my hand.

I grinned, "You're gonna teach me how to shoot."

His mouth twitched as he took the bow from me, inspecting it closely. Finally he nodded, "Jus' need to find you some targ-" he stopped, glancing at the walkers on the other side of the fence, "How 'bout we practice on some real targets?"

*Daryl's POV*

"Are ye ready?" I called across the field, getting ready to pull the gate open.

I faintly saw Lily shake her head, "Daryl, I really don't think this is a good idea! I-I'd really prefer it if we used...I dunno, a log or something!"

I sighed, leaving the gate and crossing the field to where she was. "You'd be better practicing on moving targets." I explained as I reached her.

She huffed, fiddling with the bow, "I just don't think that's a good idea. I'd probably end up getting myself killed."

I rolled my eyes, kicking at a small rock amongst the grass, "Y'know I wouldn't let that happen. If yer really that worried, I'll go and get a nice log for ye' to aim at."

She nodded, smiling softly at me before mouthing a thank you.

I grabbed my crossbow, slinging it onto my back and started heading towards the refurbished gate.

It wasn't as sturdy as the other one, but it stopped the walkers getting into the yard and that did us just fine.

"Come close it after me." I called over my shoulder, smiling slightly as she ran to catch up with me, twirling one of the bows in her hand.

She looked up at a bird sitting on one of the surrounding fences, smiling softly, "What do you miss most?"

I shrugged, "Dunno. I miss a lot of things. How 'bout you?"

Lily laughed softly, "This is gonna sound stupid, but I just miss noise. I mean, I'd love to hear the sound of a jet plane. Hell, I'd give anything to hear the heavy metal music my downstairs neighbour used to play."

I chuckled, "I've forgotten what most music sounds like."

She nodded her head in agreement, coming to a stop at the gate. "Okay, you ready to close the gate?" I asked, looking down at her. She nodded, grinning up at me, "Let's do it."

*Lily's POV*

Daryl tied the heavy log up with a thick rope. He put it in one of the unused doorways so if anyone came out, they wouldn't get injured by me.

He gave it a push, sending out swaying from side to side.

I glared at him but he shrugged it off easily, "I told ye' that it'd be better for ye' to practice on moving targets."

I huffed and brought the bow up. It had taken me around three minutes to actually get the damn arrow on correctly without having the arrow pull out to the side. I lifted the weapon up, closing my left eye.

"Open both of yer eyes. You'll get a better view of the area." Daryl instructed.

I muttered under my breath, doing as he said and sadly, I found he was right. I pulled the string back, my body tensing as I did so.

I took a glance at Daryl, seeing him shake his head, "Naw, ye gotta loosen up. Yer posture's good but ye' can't be tense," he placed his hands on my shoulders, "Relax. We got plenty of time."

I exhaled loudly and forced my body to slacken.

"That's it," Daryl murmured from behind me, giving my shoulders a gentle squeeze, "Now when yer' ready, shoot."

I watched the log swing back and forth for a few seconds before releasing the arrow, watching as it soared through the air...and right over the log, hitting the large metal door.

"Ye' almost had it. Jus' a little too high." Daryl encouraged, grabbing another arrow for me, "Try again. This time try and aim a little lower."

And so it began.


Almost an hour had passed and I wasn't getting any better. I was getting frustrated with myself but Daryl...he stayed calm. Explaining what I was doing wrong.

Eventually, I gave up, throwing the stupid bow on the ground, "I'm done. I can't do it."

Daryl scoffed, "It's been an hour Lily. I wasn't expecting ye' to be good at it straight away."

I picked the bow back up, knowing he was right.

He began picking up all the arrows that I had managed to fire in random directions, "We'll pick it up tomorrow. Okay?"

I nodded, kicking a rock at my feet.

He came over to me, placing two fingers under my chin, making me look up at him, "We'll have you shooting like a pro in no time." He then hesitated slightly before he gently pressed his lips to mine.

I smiled when he pulled away, slowly pulling him into the little alcove of the doorway.

He smirked down at me, his hands gripping my hips as he steered me into the corner. He pressed his lips againt mine again, this time with a little more force. He gently bit my bottom lip, earning a small noise of approval from me.

My hands ran up to his hair, tangling my fingers in the lengthening strands as Daryl's hands found their way under my shirt, resting on my hips.

In the distance, we heard Glenn calling for Daryl.

I pulled away and Daryl quickly kissed down my jaw before focusing his mouth on my neck.

"You should probably answer him." I whispered breathlessly, pulling on his hair as he bit down on my skin. "Daryl," I giggled, "Glenn's comming over!"

He sighed against my neck but pulled away just as Glenn came around the corner.

"Oh. There you are." he smiled, "Rick's wondering if you want to go hunting. We're low on meat."

Daryl nodded, "Tell 'im that I'll be there in a minute."

Glenn quickly walked off. Daryl turned to me, "We'll finish this later."

As he left, I leant against the cool wall. What was this man doing to me?

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