Chapter Fifty One.

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Hello all you lovely people! Here's the next chapter!

- Stacey xxx


*Daryl's POV*

Rick pulled over when it started to get dark and we all climbed out of the cars.

"Should we be stopping?" Lily asked, chewing on her fingernails nervously, "It's going to be pitch black soon." 

"I think we should stop the night." Rick said quietly, immediately being met with protest.

"We said we wouldn't stop!"

"It's too dangerous to spend the night here!"

"Where would we sleep?" 

"Shut up!" Glenn hissed, "You're going to attract unwanted attention!" 

Rick held up his hands, "Listen, I can't drive all night and I don't have anyone else in my car who can. What do you suggest I do? Fall asleep at the wheel and risk all our lives?" 

"Switch with someone," Lily interjected, "They can drive while you get some rest."

"I don't mind driving," Beth then offered, "Daddy can tell me which ways to go." 

He shook his head, "Thanks for the offer Beth, but I'd feel better if we all stopped and got some rest. If any of you disagree, feel free to go on ahead. Those who stay will catch up in the morning." 

While other members of the group went to discuss their options, Lily and I stayed put. She knew that I always had Rick's back no matter what. So if he was staying, so was I. 

Rick's eyes found mine and I gave a small nod, showing him that I was indeed with him on this. 

Glenn and the others returned to us after having their discussion.

"We'll stay." Glenn informed us, "As long as there are people on watch all night. We'd feel safer that way." 

"I'll take the first watch with someone." I spoke finally and Luily looked up at me. 

I knew what she was about to say and swiftly shook my head, "Ye' need to sleep." 

"So do you." she retorted, "You've been driving all day too." She then turned to the rest of the group, "Those who haven't driven today will take shifts. Including me. I'll do the first one." 

Everyone nodded, happy with that plan except from me.

"I'm not even tired." I mumbled, as she got her knife from the car.

"Your eyes say otherwise. Now go sleep." 


I managed to get myself comfortable in the back seats, despite me asking, Cassie and Beth wanted to sleep where they were already sitting. 

I had my eyes shut for what felt like maybe half an hour when the door by my feet opened, causing me to growl in annoyace. 

"Sorry," Lily's quiet voice said in the darkness, "Glenn sent me back..." 

Smirking, I sat up, allowing her to climb in and once she had shut the door behind her, she slid across the seat so she was beside me. 

I watched in slight amusement as her head dropped forward a few times before letting out a quiet laugh. 

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