Chapter Thirty Two.

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Just a short Daryl's POV in this one but I hope you enjoy the chapteeer!

Stacey xxx


*Lily's POV*

The next morning, I woke first which surprised me. Looking over my shoulder, I smiled before turning around in Daryl's arms. He always looked so peaceful when he was sleeping.

His normally furrowed brow was relaxed, something that I didn't get to see often. His gorgeous blue eyes still hidden from the world.

I raised my hand, gently brushing a piece of dirt from his face letting out a huff as it stayed where it was. I licked the pad of my thumb before gently wiping at the stubborn mark again. I jumped slightly as Daryl's hand caught my wrist, his eyes finally opening, revealing the gorgeous blue.

"Will ye' leave me alone?" he asked, voice thick with sleep as he wiped at the spot I had just been rubbing at.

"Sorry," I whispered, resting my head back down on the makeshift pillow, "It was annoying me."

He rolled his eyes, pulling me back to his warm body, "Jus' sleep for a few more minutes, then we'll head back."

I nodded, "Okay. I'm in no hurry."

We really should have gotten up there and then considering we were in a flimsy tent...but we had made it through a whole night, a few more minutes wouldn't hurt. Right?


Of course that turned out to be a lot longer. For me that is. When I awoke the second time, Daryl wasn't beside me, but I heard of a fire along with voices.

Confused, I crawled to the entrance, peering out at Daryl and a man I didn't recognise. He was older than Daryl -or maybe the same age- with dark hair and he was wearing a white suit, even though it had bloodstains and lord knows what on it.

He watched me as I climbed out of the tent, a small smirk on his face.

"Lily," Daryl muttered through a mouthful of food, "This is Nick. He lost his group a few miles back."

I took a seat next to him, smiling politely at the man, "Nice to meet you," I turned back to Daryl, "Is he coming back with us?"

He shrugged, "Depends on if he wants to."

I furrowed my eyebrows, it wasn't like him to allow people to come back with us but I didn't push it. If he wanted to anger Rick even further, I wasn't going to be a part of it. I stood and headed over to the tent to dismantle it.

"Lily, I'll get it." Daryl offered, standing from his spot, "You keep an eye out."

I rolled my eyes and grabbed my crowbar, moving so I was in a spot where I could see almost all around us. Looking up, I could see that the sky was a horrible grey colour which meant it was probably gonna rain. "We should go soon." I mumbled as Nick got up to help Daryl. I watched him carefully, trying to figure out if he was at all threatening. But then again, Daryl had been sitting talking to him without any concern.

"Alright sweetheart we're ready to go." Nick said, making me snap out of my thoughts.

Sweetheart? The hell was that?

He smiled at me as he picked up his own weapons, a baseball bat and a small pistol. How on earth did he manage to get this far on that?

Daryl finished packing up his stuff and said we were indeed ready to go. I pulled his jacket around me and set off after them.

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