Chapter Sixty.

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Thank you so much for all your lovely comments on the last chapter and I'm sorry that this one is quite late and short! 

Anyway, hope you enjoy this one!

-Stacey xxx


*Daryl's POV*

I was sat in a chair holding Amy as Lily got some much needed rest. I gently stroked her cheek, smiling as her blue eyes opened, staring back into mine.

The love I felt towards her was something quite indescribable. When I held her for the first time, it felt like a huge part of my heart that I didn't know existed had opened up and it was filled with only love for her. 

My job was now to do everything in my power to protect her. To guide her through life and make sure I taught her to defend herself when the time was right. 

I looked up as the door to the room creaked open, Cassie popping her her around, followed quickly by Beth. 

Beth saw Lily sleeping in the bed and stilled, "Should we come back later?"

I shook my head, "Jus' stay quiet, yeh?" 

They both nodded and came over and I got up from the seat, nodding to Beth "Ye' can sit here." 

She sat down while Cassie sat on the floor, "Can I hold her?" 

Her eyes were sparkling as she looked up at the tiny baby in my arms and knowing that she was good with kids, I had no problem in handing Amy to her.

Cassie got up on her knees and the two of them quickly began cooing over her. 

I moved to the bed, sitting down by Lily who was still sleeping soundly, making sure to keep an eye on the two girls. 

My hand pushed a few stray hairs from Lily's face with caused her to stir. 

"Hey." she mumbled, smiling up at me.

"Hey." I replied, "How ye' feelin'?" 

"Sore." she breathed, pushing herself up on the bed. 

"Daryl?" Cassie asked, making the two of us look over, "What's her name?"

Lily smiled softly, nuzzling her head into my thigh as she watched them, "Amy. Amy Lee." 

Nodding, the younger of the two looked down at the baby then back at us, "Can I hold her?"

"Be careful." I said quietly, giving her a pointed look. 

"Beth's there." Lily said quietly and I looked down at her, watching as she grabbed my hand and pulled me further down on the bed, "You should sleep. I know you've been up all night." 

I shrugged, "I wanted to stay up. Sue me."

She rest her head on my arm, "You were staying up because you were worried that something would happen to Amy, weren't you?" 

"So? What if I did?" I asked. 

Smiling up at me, she shrugged, "Will you help me get outside?" 

Confused, I pulled away slightly, "What?"

"I want to go outside. I've been in here for ages." she said, sitting up slightly. 

"Are ye' sure? I mean, is it not too soon to be moving?" I asked anxiously, not wanting her to hurt herself.

She shook her head, "No. Now will you please just take me out to the balcony? I need some fresh air." 

I went to protest, intent in getting her to take it easy but she was already pushing herself up from the bed. I rushed around the small bed to her side and helped Lily stand from the bed, her hands clutching at my forearms to steady herself. 

"Ye' good?" I asked after a few minutes. 

She nodded, beaming up at me, "Yeah. I'm wonderful." 

With slow steps, I led her to the sliding door which led to the balcony, letting her pass me as I looked to Beth, "Will ye' be okay for a few minutes?" 

She nodded, "Course. I'll come get you if anything happens." 

I followed Lily out, seeing her leaning against the railing, her eyes shut as she enjoyed the feeling of the strong breeze on her face and I stood there watching her with a small smile on her face.

"Did you ever think this would happen?" she asked, opening her eyes to look at me.


"Me and you, making it this far. Amy?" she listed, looking back out to the sea.

"No." replied honestly, "But now that it happened, I wouldn't change it for the world." I leant over and took her hand, "I love you, Lily Dixon." 

Realising what I just said, I froze and prayed that she wouldn't notice my slip of the tongue. I should not have said that, I repeat I should not have said that. 

Letting out a soft giggle, Lily turned to me again, "Is that your way of proposing to me? Nope, not good enough. I want the whole nine yards. I wanna be blown off my feet." 

Huffing, I realised that she wasn't going to let it go, I scratched the back of my neck awkwardly, "Do ye' wanna be a Dixon or not?"

She giggled and wrapped her arms around my neck, resting her forehead against mine, "I would love to call myself Lily Dixon." 

Nodding, I grinned at her and pulled her into a kiss, sealing the deal. 


Okay, this chapter was awful but I will go back and edit this as soon as I get the epilogue typed up and stuff. 

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