Chapter Thirty.

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I am so, so sorry that this sucks! Even I don't like it, but I felt as if I had to get something up for you guys!

- Stacey xxx


*Daryl's POV*

I spun around when I heard Lily cry my name, dropping the bunch of keys in my hand and rushed towards the stairs.

"Daryl!" Lily screamed again, making me push my legs faster.

I burst into the room that the scream came from and quickly pulled the walker away from her, pushing it away from the two of us as I tugged my knife out of my belt and swiftly stuck it into the walker's head, pushing it straight through the skull.

Pulling the knife out, I dropped both that and the walker, turning around to face Lily. I took her shaking hands in mine before making her look at me, "Are ye' okay? Did ye' get bit? Scratched?"

She shook her head not looking at me, but aroud me at the body of the walker.

"I-I.." she stuttered, but I shushed her.

"Yer okay." I whispered. "T-that's the first time that's happened!" she sobbed, "I've never been so close"

I shushed her again and brought her to my chest, holding her tighter as she kind of sagged against me. She'd never been so close to dying before. No wonder she was so shocked. How she managed to make it this far without that happening, I don't know.

"Yer okay." I whispered again, rubbing her back.

"Thanks to you." she replied, moving away from me and shoving her hands into her pockets, "You saved me...again."

I smiled slightly, "Told ye' I wouldn't let anythin' get ye'. Do you think you can help me get this son o' a bitch downstairs?"

She wiped her eyes and nodded, "I should be okay."

I squeezed her shoulders, "Ye' sure?"

She gave me a watery smile, "I'm sure." She walked around me and picked up the corpse's feet, "You can take the head...just in case."

I frowned, "Don't ye trust that I managed t' kill it?"

She flushed slightly, "I do trust you. It's that I don't trust." 


I made Lily stay downstairs with Beth and Judith while I continued to check the rooms on the top floor. She was still shaking once we had disposed of the body and I didn't think she could continue.

The rest of the rooms were clear and when I returned down the stairs, I found Lily playing with Judith, making me smile slightly. I had a feeling that if she had been given the chance to be a mother, she'd be a hell of a good one.

"Rick!" Lily called, making him appear at the top of the stairs, "Do you mind if I take Judith outside? It'd be good for her to get some fresh air..."

Rick looked reluctant, not knowing if the grounds were indeed safe.

"I'll go with her." I said, standing up.

When Rick saw me, he relaxed slightly and nodded. I turned to Lily, "Let me get my crossbow."

She stood up, hoisting Judith up on her hip, "We'll be waiting at the door."

I grabbed my crossbow from the table and followed her to the door, "C'mon."

Lily led me to one of the patches of grass, sitting down and letting Judith crawl around freely while she lay down.

"Sit down!" she groaned, opening her eyes to look up at me.

I shrugged and fell down on the grass beside the two of them.

"Winter's coming." I said quietly, looking over at her.

She nodded, picking at a few blades of grass, "Yeah. Good thing we found this place. I mean, I don't think we'd last if we didn't."

I sat up as Judith crawled over to me, clutching the fabric of my trousers in her small hands. I picked her up, letting her tug on my lengthening hair.

Lily smiled, "She really likes you." I shrugged, "She's a baby. She likes everyone."

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